Chapter 18

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A/N: I had plans tomorrow so I decided to post a day early.

Choko's POV

After I went to the meeting location a hero working with the corpse gave me a brief rundown on my mission. The corpse has suspicions that the infamous hero killer is a demon because some of the dead hero's left behind had chunks of flesh ripped out. But Iida's brother was attacked by it and left alive, why? No, the why doesn't matter, My mission is to slay this demon and I will complete it. 

Right now I'm currently in uniform scouting the area. Jumping across the ladders of the alleyway buildings I try to find any useful information but all I find is groups of drunks and people making out. Shaking my head I take a breath and jump off the side of a building and onto the roof. 

"Uh lady To- I mean C-Choko I have a status report." A petite voice comes from the ground. 

Oh ya and another corpse member was assigned to be my partner. Jumping back down I land in front of her smiling but quickly realize she can't see it because of my mask. "Why hello Emiko." 

Emiko Agawa, she has medium length black hair and silver eyes, she wears the black female uniform with a long skirt and a light blue haori with dark blue water droplets at the bottom. At first she called me Lady Tomioka because she's only a Kanoto but since we'll be working together I insisted we call each other by name. 

"Hi, I'm here to let you know that I think I found something promising." She hands me a dirty flier with boxing gloves on it. 

Taking it from her I read it allowed. "Test your strength against other strong opponents. Bet on your favorite contestants and strike gold. No limits to quirk use and no cops or pussy's allowed."

 I look up at Emiko a bit confused. "This is a good find on some illegal activity but may I ask how it helps find the demon?" 

"W-well I went asking around and I found a guy who told me his friend went missing after winning a tournament in this club but he couldn't report it because it was obviously illegal." Taking out another paper she hands me a missing person poster. 

Looking at it my eyes widened. "This man was a demon that I slayed a couple weeks ago." 

Taking it from her hand I give it a good look. Yep it's definitely him. He was just an ordinary man..but he became a monster. 

Folding the paper I slip it into my pocket. "I have to say Emiko, you are quite the detective." 

She quickly waves her hands. "Oh no no I got lucky that's all." She blushes fidgeting with her hands a bit. 

So adorable! Like a little puppy. 

But back to the task at hand, this is big. This could lead us to finding out how some of the new demons are being created! I'll have to write a report to headquarters right away. 

Putting the poster in my pocket I look to the side and see the sun start to rise. "Good work, let's head back to the hotel and get some rest."


"Caw caw message caw message from headquarters!" That's what I woke up to. Granted it was 5 o'clock in the evening but we do work during the night. 

Seeing that Emiko is still asleep, I quickly shush Mika and go outside our hotel room. "Well that was fast." 

Mika lands on my arm. "Yep. News from headquarters, your present assignment has been given to Agawa and another slayer." 

Huh? "Wha-" 

"Caw let me finish!' 


"Caw as I was saying Agawa and another corpse member will take your present case and you will take the case of the underground fighting area that is suspected to be turning people into demons." 

"What is the rank of the slayer going with Emiko and why couldn't they send a hashira with me? This is an important mission." 

"Caw so many questions. A rank Kanoe will be going with Agawa. Caw, for the second question, as you know demons are starting to appear all around Japan and the hashira are stationed all around Japan because the numbers of the Corpse is small. Moving a hashira for a long mission is risky for the place where they are stationed." 

She's right I didn't think of that. Guess I'm doing this alone. 

"Allright, thanks Mika." Letting her go she flys off my arm and goes to do whatever she usually does. 

Taking a moment I go back inside and see Emiko start to stir. Kanoe is only one rank above her. I hope she stays safe. 

Taking a breath I put on a smile and turn on the lights. "Wakey wakey sleepy head!" I guess she's not a morning person because she just groans and turns around. Maybe I'll try to make some breakfast. 

Walking over to the small kitchen I grab a skillet. "I'll make some eggs, that'll get'cha up." 

I guess it worked in some sense because a moment later I heard a panicket "No!" 

Looking to the side, Emiko fell out of the bed and ran towards me taking the skillet off. "I'm-i'm sorry Choko but your sister called me and told me that under no circumstances am I to let you cook." 

"Of course she did." How did she even get Emiko's number? 

Okay guess I'll do the one thing I'm able to do in the culinary industry. "How about we get changed? I'll make some tea. That I'm able to do." 

She hesitantly agreed and went to get her uniform. After changing I put my hair up in a bun and put my mask to the side. 

Pouring the tea I just made Emiko and I sat down at the table. "So is it to your liking?" 

like most people she cautiously takes a sip also like most people her eyes widen in surprise. "It's good." 

Smiling, I take a sip of mine. "I'm Glad. Sorry to spring this on you but I have some news." 

She looked up in surprise but before she could say anything I continued "I informed headquarters about the poster you found yesterday and they want me to investigate it. But the mission has been classified as above your rank so i'm afraid this is where we part ways. You'll have another slayer rank Kanoe help you complete the current mission." 

Emiko looks uncertain of what to say. Her mouth opens as if to say something but stops. All that came out was a small. "Oh" 

Putting down my tea I stand up and put my arms out. "Wanna hug goodbye?" 

Surprising me she jumps right into it. "Good luck. Please stay safe." 

My surprised face shifted into a small smile hugging her back. "I was about to say the same thing."

"Guess this is the place." I look up at the large abandoned warehouse with no windows and paint peeling off. 

Securing my mask I open the door and go inside, the stench of alcohol and weed hits me immediately. 

There could be over a hundred people here! Scanning the area I see a bar with people yelling for a refill, Card tables with people angrily slapping down money but in the center of it all was a large cage with dozens of people surrounding it cheering. I can't see because of the crowd but I'm assuming it's two people beating each other to a pulp. 

Fortunately though I don't stand out because many other people have equipment on that they probably got illegally. Having a mask will also make it easier if I end up having to make a scene. 

Tsutako and I investigated a place like this in our Tsuchinoto days. Show any sign of weakness and you'll be eaten alive.

Release date

A/N- Hi, the release date for chapter 19 will be sometime on June 6. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote.

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