Chapter 36

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Choko's POV


"You know in a fight against a demon I think you're right, morals don't apply." 

Get into close combat. Jumping up the tree branches I run towards it. Getting close I jump towards it, Hachi's dark blue eyes show only boredom as an array of bees shoot out from behind it. 

As I thought they are coming out of its body. No way am I turning my back so I can't do Chrysanthemum. mid-air I start slashing the bees coming towards me. Feeling some sting me I don't stop. Go for the neck.

3rd POV

Hachi's eyes widen seeing the slayer let herself get stung, she flies up to avoid her incoming slash but feels something pulling at her foot. 

Looking down she grits her teeth seeing Choko holding onto her foot with her left hand. "Little pe-" 

Faster than the eye could catch Choko sliced both of Hachi's legs clean off and blocked several long spikes shot at her falling down at the same time. "You Bitch!" 

Seeing Hachi take her eyes off Choko and onto her wound was all the time she needed to turn around and find a branch to land on. 

Running across the trees to Hachi's side she notices her bloody legs starting to regenerate. 'Get the wings.' 

Furiously looking down at her cut kimono Hachi and hearing the demon slayer coming from behind her she unleashed dozens of her blood demon art bees expecting them to get rid of her.

Hearing grunts of pain she smirked figuring Choko to be falling dead by now but let out a yell in surprise feeling a sharp blade cut through her beautiful wings. 'Fuck, my legs are only halfway regenerated!' 

Suddenly falling she turns mid-air. Finding the same slayer falling with multiple bee stings solely on her left arm giving Hachi a sweet yet condescending smile. "Well, isn't this fun?" 

Her eyes widened. 'That girl swung her left hand quickly enough to get all of my bee's stings and cut off my wings with just her right hand! But why..' 

Landing on a branch Choko hurriedly clubs down the pine looking up for the falling demon but bites her lip looking at all the trees and branches above her. 'It's legs must have regenerated.'

"Bzzzt" Choko takes a good breath seeing the swarm of bees now coming towards her.

Choko's POV

Crap! The bees are coming at me from all angles! Much more than in the Infinity Castle! Let them get close enough.. "Second form.." 

'klink' Now! "Honorable shadow plum." Holding my katana up I slash diagonally downwards, sliding my feet I turn moving it up and doing it again forward and to the right and left, top and bottom, slashing all the bees. 

Or at least I thought I did. My eyes widen slightly feeling little prinks of pain on my legs and ankle. I missed some! 

Landing I turn. 'Peonies of futility.' I unleash a wide weave of attacks killing the wide swarm of bees in front of me. 


Turning around in reflex I move my katana in front of my face just in time to deflect the large stinger, stopping it from going through my skull. 

Moving my hand I quickly attempt to catch the one on my left but stop feeling it suddenly impale my left ear. Ack! "Tsk" 

Looking up at the figure in the trees I get my katana into position. "Oh my your aim is quite bad, you only got the outer edge of my ear." 

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