Chapter 7

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Choko's POV

"My baby!"

"Sorry Hatsume." I apologize for what felt like the hundredth time.

Mei Hatsume, she comes from a long line of sword smiths. Even though Hatsume forges swords more as a side job she still is very passionate about the swords she forges, one of them being mine. 

"You chipped my beautiful baby! I'm going to have to make you a whole new one!"

"You really don't have to. Look, it 's not even that chipped."

Staring at the sword in my hand an irk park appeared on her face. "Are you serious? It's chipped as much as the beast Hashiras sword!" 

"Oh it's not that bad" 

"Your cheerful tone is really ticking me off." Hatsume fumed walking out of the support room mumbling something about her beautiful baby being ruined. 

"Sorry again" I say Waving goodbye. 

The school day is over but me and Tsutako have someone we have to see. The only other person besides All Might in the school who knows about the demon slayer corpse, Principal Nezu.

'Knock knock' 

"Come in." Principle Nezu's voice comes from the other side of the door. 

I walk in with Tsutako behind me. Both of us were greeted by the small mouse-like principal sitting on the couch drinking tea. 

"Hello Principal. How are you?" I ask him

"I'm doing well. Although I'd love to make small talk I assume there is a reason you two have come here." Nezu motions to the couch across from him. We both take a seat as the small principal pours us a cup of tea.

 "Thank you, it's delicious!" I smile while taking another sip of the simple but good green tea.

"Yes thank you but I'm afraid we must deliver some bad news. We have confirmed that a demon is able to come into U.A high and might have eyes here due to a blood demon art. Plus it might have taken some classified files during the security alert that happened during lunch." Tsutako dumps all the information we learned. 

"Oh and you have to get a new door for the file room." I quickly add in. 

There were a couple moments of silence before Nezu pinched the end of his nose and sighed. "It seems that the worst of my scenarios is true. Please stay vigilant and slay this demon as soon as possible." 

Tsutako gives a serious nod and leads the way towards the door. Just before I leave I stop at the door and lock eyes with the principal. "Question, how many people has this demon killed on the record?" 

"18 heroes and 4 hero students." He said with a solemn expression. 

Based on its strength It must have killed more than that but all of those lives.. "I'll exact the same amount of pain it did on its victims. So don't worry." and with that I left walking with Tsutako down the hall. 

She bites her lip. "Choko, that demon is strong." 

"And it will only get stronger with the more innocent lives it takes. Even if I'm not able to inflict as much pain as it did on its victims, the pain it will feel in Hell will be excruciating."

***** POV

"Demon slayers" I say as soon as the stench of alcohol hits my nose.

"Huh?" The crusty one looks up at me. 

"There are demon slayers at U.A high young, maybe first years. They are two girls who have black and purple hair with purple eyes. Both also have a purple butterfly clip."

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