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NOTE: Previously (from TOG), the aliases of the members of the Council of Nine were based on Greek mythology which were Zeus, Aphrodite, etc. (The names were just mentioned and there was no full introduction of the council in TOG). That has been changed to planetary names. Also, the video call scene with the Executives (TOG - Ch. 27 & GOTD - Ch. 8) has been revised. Thank you!


The Council of Nine.

Composed of nine powerful and influential people who govern the whole underground society. People with aliases to look over the society of criminals and sin, providing them with power and connection beyond the people in the light's capacities. Each member is assigned to an area of the underground--areas that are either countries or even a whole continent--with no supreme or highest leader.

The Council of Nine holds meetings once a year to discuss the current circumstances of the underground society as a whole that could last a month. The date and venue changes every year. However, there are times when emergency meetings are needed to be held because of unforeseeable circumstances. These emergency meetings rarely happen. And if it does, then it's a matter that's seen to have a true and absolute effect on the whole underground society. Something that is of so great importance, the members couldn't afford to ignore it.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Jupiter's deep and heavy voice roared like thunder that his holographic image flickered.

In a dark room with an unidentified location, nine teal-colored holographic images of people standing up formed a circular position. Bits of teal-colored dots fluttered among them like stars and the dim shadows of their blue light reflected on what seemed to be an endless darkness surrounding them. Their holographs the size of a two-story building.

Smooth and efficient holographic communication that's still not known to the general public and is solely used for the underground leaders' disposal as of the moment.

Even with just their three-dimensional holographic images, their presence felt like the size of huge mountains and power of the ocean waves crashing in the wilderness, strong and intimidating. One not letting the other overpower them.

Mars' teeth barred in anger like a wolf ready to attack, "DOES THE PHOENIX WISH TO WAGE WAR!?"

"My, my," Venus' silvery tone felt like the smooth silk of her long dress caressing their ears. A sly grin gracefully settled on her dark colored lips, "Can we all please calm down? We can't really think and talk straight with all these unnecessary barbaric shouting, can we?"

"The Phoenix Mafia wishes to conquer the whole underground society?" wearing a silver gray suit styled with plain silver fabric wrapped diagonally from underneath his left peaked lapel across his body and around his torso showing his high fashion aptitude, Uranus placed his right index finger on top of his chin before letting out a carefree chuckle, "Interesting..."

"What do you have for us, Mercury?" Terra asked the person who organized their confidential emergency meeting.

The man wearing an expensive velvet trench coat patterned with golden jacobean florals on top of a black suit and turtleneck long sleeves remained emotionless, "A message has been sent from Naois Ivanov, the 2nd Phoenix Mafia Executive himself, after his post online."

Mercury raised his hand and a holographic message of translucent letters appeared in front of them. The message didn't look clean and proper like formally written on paper or a public service announcement.

It was more like of a messy and artistic graffiti that was done someplace else.

The message says:

The message says:

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