Encounter: Sneak Peek

451 11 7

Ah yes
The birds chirping
The smell of breakfast
The sun shining on your face

Would be nice if you didn't hear screaming coming from your sister's room.

"W-WHO THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?!" "Rosie!" You bolted up from your bed, only in a bra and shorts not caring who the hell it was, you js wanted to keep your sister safe. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE YOU SICK FRE-...ks...ugh" You stood by the side of your door only to hear your brother scream, then get cut off with the thud. "Be a good girl and quiet down yeah?" You then heard another thud assuming it was your sister.

"What the hell?! Just who the fuck are these people..what have they done to my siblings?!" You then took a deep breath only to hear footsteps approaching your room, you were prepared to attack if they tried to harm you..key word...they.

"Y/n~ come on out darling, we won't hurt you.." HOW DID THEY KNOW YOUR NAME?! You then hear something, you turn your head to face your closet only to see eyes..the a head poke out from your closet..seeing a white haired boy, purple looking eyes, red uniform...looking about Mikey's size slowly stepping from the closet, coming towars you.

How did he get there? Was he watching me this whole time? Did he go through anything? Who even is he? Is that a gang uniform? Is this how I die for real? Holy shit, I'm so sorry Toman..

"Time to come to arms darling~"

Feeling a sharp pain in my neck, everything suddenly went black.

"We finally have her now boys.."

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