Valhala base: 23

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"Mikey said that?!" Takemichi screeched from behind the line. "Can you calm're the one that just woke me up from my head hurts.." Takemichi rolled his eyes, "Well maybe if you didn't always get that beautiful big head of your hurt,, maybe that wouldnt be happening.." You felt an irk mark appear on your cheek "Exuse you?" "NOTHING, IM SORRY!!" "Good, I need you to come to my place.." "but we have school tomorrow.." "Right..goodnight Takemichi." "Wait, did you even eat d-" Beep beep beep.


The next day, you and Takemichi walked to school, discussing about..the situation. Despite trying to be quiet about it, people were staring about how close you to were and whispering. Takemichi sent glares towards all of them, not caring about what they said about him more than you.

"Mamacita~we meet once again!" Akkun said, kissing the back of your hand once again. You giggled and Yamagishi and Makoto had fire in their eyes. "STOP RIZZING HER UP MAN, ITS WORKING LIKE HELL AND IM SO DAMN JEALOUS YOU-" "Hey is anyone named Takemichi Hanegaki and Y/n Sakura here?" The door opened to reveal a boy with black and yellow fluffy hair, a handsome face and body stucture, and hanafuda earrings..what really struck out to you was his voice and familiar mole as well as Takemichi just so happened to notice the tattoo as well.

"Holy shit, it's Kazutora Hanemiya!!" You both thought. "Holy shit, it IS you two, haha!!" Kazutora giggled like a little child and ran over to Takemichi and hugged him. "Holy shit, this is amazing, I cant believe I found you two!!" He laughed once again. He let go over Takemichi and slowly walked over to you, since the mizo middle noticed this and shielded you with their bodies.

"Relax, I'm not gonna do anything to her now move.." All five of them struggled to either get ahold of you or protect you, in the end, Kazutora is stronger so he made it to your god like body. He cupped your face and slowly brought you to his warmth. "And you are just as beautiful and amazing from when I last saw you..your fighting skills were so good that day..~" He cooed in your ear which sent shivers down his spine.

You pushed him off your with some force since he was basically gripping you, your hands touched his chest and shoved as he cheeks flushed red and he put a hand to his chest. "She touched me!!..~" The boy thought, he was in untter heaven but snapped back to the horrid reality whrn he remembered what he was supposed to do.

"You two need to come with's about Baji!" Takemichi and your eyes went wide. "Baji!" "Tell me what you did with Baji-Chan you weirdo!" Kazutora chuckled in delight. "Great, so you guys are willing to know, so follow me!!" He grabbed you arm, completely dragging you away as Takemichi grumbled running after you two, leaving the worried mizo middle dumbfounded.


"Following the leader, the leader, the leader! Following the leader-" "Kazutora-kun, can you PLEASE tell us where exactly we are going?!" You said trying to get out of his grip but failed, Takemichi noticed your diststressed expression and held your and, squeezing it for comfort. You looked at him softly smiling, and he turned away blushing.

"Well, just a few more steps, and we are at the Valhalla base." As you three kept walking, Takemichi asked about Mikey and the others Kazutora brushed it off kinda, but also gave a small brief explanation, answering his annoying question.

As Kazutora opened the doors trying to be a gentleman letting you go in first, (which you giggled at) you held your nose at the scent of fresh blood and the sounds of wet punching. As you and Takemichi went ahead from Kazutora, both of your eyes widen as the scene. Baji was currently punching the shit out of his ex vice captain, Chifuyu Matsuno.

"B-baji-chan..?" "Baji, what the hell?!" Takemichi called out, you both knew the he heard you two, but he didn't care, all he needed to do was finished Chifuyu up. As he continued punching, you felt so fucking bad. Why the hell are you just standing there, why arent you helping, what kind of friend are you?! All these ethoights raced through your mind and in the end, you just turned you head with hesitation away.

This was only stopped by Kazutora, making you look. Your eyes glanced at the two in horror as Baji finished up, wiping his face and putting his arms up. "Well hanma?! You satisfied yet..?" Baji called, you then heard a laugh come from your high left, you turned your head to see Shuji Hanma.

"We have come here today to see if our friend Baji here, is capable of being apart of Valhala. We also have some witnesses to see if Baji did his job. Y/n and Takemichi!" Hanma flew his arms towards your guys direction which made all eyes turn to you. Some certain attention given from others was VERY unnecessary. Murmurs and whispers on your looks and whatnot. Kazutora happily glared at the direction of such and everyone quickly shut their mouth.

"Now..Takemichi and Y/n..just what exactly did Baji say at your last meeting?" As you were about to say something, your high anxiety took over you and you froze, once again, Takemichi notixed your scared state and squeezed you hand onxe again and spoke up for you, even if he was terrified himself. 

"He said he was quitting Toman to move to Valhala, he took of his jacket and everything.." Takemichi hesitated, looking down. " seems all our proof was need, everyone please welcome our new member, KEISUKE BAJI!" Cheers and roars can be heard, a Valhalla jacket coming towards Baji, a smirk on Baji's face, as Chifuyu's barely conscious body looked at him in disbelief then looked at you, seeing you scared, you could tell he looked at you and Takemichi since he turned his head directly at you two.

You and Takemichi were shaking. Mikey asked you two to bring back Baji and nothing us working. your gripped your school uniform,, shaking, eyed welling up with tears. Not knowing what to do anymore. You shut your eyes, not caring amymore, you squeezed Takemichi's hand, bolting of the Valhalla base, not knowing the glare from Kazutora and Hanma sent to Takemichi, and the sad look on Baji's face.

Word Count: 1105

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