chapter 0

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I wake up by my bestie Sarah jumping on my bed, i just turn on my bed and put my head under my pillow.

-Tay tay come on, my daddy said he is going to carry us to a club where there will be people like us, and we will met there Melody!.- she says happily. I live with her, in an apartment. She has her daddy and Melody is the little from a friend of her daddy.

-come on girls, wake up!.- Stephan. Sarah's daddy enters my room.-Tay i'm going to change Sarah's diaper i better see you ready when we return.- he tells me with a smile on her face.

I get up and see that it's 8 o'clock from the afternoon, my diaper is sagging a bit so i go and take a shower. When i end with the shower, I put myself on my favourite blue diapers, and I wear a dress, a golden dress with a big frully skirt that has an open in one side of the leg and makes my titts look huge. WHen i'm looking myself in the mirror Sarah comes with a res dress.

-you look beautuful Tay Tay! let's go, daddy is waiting downstairs.- she says pulling my hand down so i quickly grab my bag and my phone and go down. There is Stephan and Carlo, his bestfriend who is also a daddy and Sarah and Stephan have tried pairing me with him, but not my tipe.

-hello girls, wow Tay you're beautiful, you too Sarah.- Carlo says, and Sarah replies with a thank you while we go to the car. There, Stephan opens tha back door and I can see our booster seats so we sit up and drive to a club.

-girls, we are going to heaven, a kink club owned by the big Lewis Alexandro, there will be little girl like you and daddy's.- Stephan explains to us. Once we arrive, Stephan and Carlo help us get down and we entered a big club, it has a scenario at the middle with some girls dancing with not much clothes, on the sides there are couches with a more like private area and on the second floor there is the vip part, where you can go and meet a daddy or a mommy or whatever you want from this kink.

-look Tay, there is Melody!.- sarah shouts while pointing to a couch where Melody, our little friend and his daddy MArio are waiting for us.-Hi Tay Tay, hi Sari.- Melody waves at us and then the daddys great them.

-well tay Tay, you can find a daddy here.- Melody tells me when we are all seated in the couch.- i donno.- i say, then they bring un three bottles and the boys get big glasses with drink inside.-i no wanna this, i wanna that.- i say to Stephan, he looks at me and tells me:- i'm not your daddy, but are you sure?.- and i just nod, so he just asks to the waiter to chnge my bottle to a glass like him.

The glass comes, and i drink it, the flavour it's not like my chocolate milk so i make a ugly face and they laugh at me. 10 minutes later they are all dancing on the dance floor and i'm just on the couch thinking on while i haven't been able to find a daddy who really loves me, and not my body or just wants me for sex.


A little girl has entered a while ago, she is on the couch opposite from me so i have been watching her all the time, she changed her bottle for a glass of what i think is a tequila sunrise, her friends have all left with her daddys to the dance floor, and she is just on the sofa sitting while driking little sips of her drink and with her head down.

All of a sudden, I see how she gets up and her eyes are cristalized with tears, she runs to the top part of the club, where there are zones for the littles to get more intimate with their daddys. I follow her, something from her makes me obsessed with her. She runs to a room and just throws herself on the bed while crying, she grabs a toy and hugs it very hard while crying, and I can resist the urge to get to her so i just enter the room and sit next to her.

-Hey beautiful, why are you crying all alone?.- I ask her while maintining a distance to don't scare her off.- no one love me.- she says, i think she is in her little space.-and why you say that, i'm sure your friend does.- i say to her and she just says:- no, sari loves me and Steph is her daddy, and Melody, and Melody daddy, and Carlo a little bit, but i no have daddy, no daddy love me, daddy only loves sexy time, and i no like, i want huggies, and kissies, and cuddles, lots of cuddles, and ice cream, and nice baths with lots of bubblis, lots and lots and my little ducki.- she says and i tell her:- well, maybe you haven't found the right one, now, do you wanna come with me to a very cool place?.- i asked her while riching my hand out for her.- where?.- she asks, my curious baby.- i'm goignt to a place where i can see little kitties and doggies, and play there's a lot of toys and stuffies, and there's even a big ball pit.- i tell her, and she just starts jumping and pulling my hand to the door, so i guide her to the little play room, that i order to close just for us.

-look, balls, look a jiraffe, and a big hippo, and kitties, and doggys, i love doggys, i had doggy but my bad daddy gave her away.- she tells me and goes straitgh to the ball pit, she just throws herself in so i go and sit next to her.-I'm Lewis, Lewis Alexander.- i tell her and she turns a pink tone and says:- I'm Tayla but everyone calls me TayTay.- she says and i tell her:- and you're a little.- she just nods and i proceed:- well I'm a daddy, and I don't have a little, and i like you.- i tell her and i smirk when I noticed her cheeks turning a deep red shade.-i no have daddy.- she says and I tell her:- well, let's do something, let me take you out for 5 dates, and if we both like eachoter you can be my little and I can be your daddy, what do you think?.- i tell her and she tells me:- five dates.- and puts her hand up with five fingers:- yes, five, baby.- and she nods and smiles:- i wanna be your babygirl, but 5 dates.- she tells me and I nod.

After playing with her on the ball pit, or in the slides, on the kitchen set and every toy there's in this room, she wants to go down with her friends to tell them that she has played with kitties and doggies.- Lewi, i'm say my friends i touch kitties, lots of kitties and little doggys, and give kissies.- she says and I laugh while giving her my hand.- okay, we can come here and play with the kitties and doggies whenever you want beautiful.-

We arrive to the sofa were her friends are another time, and she pulls my hand to sit on her side and she positions herself almost on top of myself.-Sari, Melody, i played with lots of kitties, and doggies, doggies gime kissis, and this is Lewis, my daddy on 5 dates.- she says while motioning her hands a lot, the other boys greeted me, one is Stephan who is Sarah daddy, the other one is Mario, Melody daddy and then there is Carlo, who doesn't have a little but i think she wants my little Tay Tay. A waiter comes with my whiky glass and Tayla stops my hand to drink and tells me:- i wanna dis.- and i laugh:- you can not drink that baby, it's yucky.- i tell her and i tell the waiter to bring a bottle for her and hand it to her.- here you have beautiful, this is better, is yummy.- i tell her and she sucks happily while laying on my chest.

I put my hand under her but and notice a saggy diaper, but i just repositioned her so she can be more comfortable. After a while of talking with her friends, Sarah is tired and Melody to so they are going to head home, I bring Tayla to Stephan car, and i help him, put Tayla onto her carseat but she gets up and starts crying when i try to get out of the car so I just hug her.

-what happens baby?.- i ask her while rubbing her hair.- i no want you to leave.- she tells me with her big puppy eyes ful of tears:- but you're going home, to sleep on your beautiful bed, with your friends.- i try to tell her and she just screams and crys telling me she wants me to come sleep with her. And suddenly Stephan who also tried to calm Tayla tells me: dude come with us, you can stay, Tayla bed is big enough, Carlo will sleep on the couch, if Tayla wants you to come, she will not stop throwing a tantrum until she gets what she wants.- he tells me so I get on the car, on Tayla side and she doesn't stop holding my hand.

- i wanna daddy sleep with me, i no wanna you away.- she tells me while hugghing me.-Sari, i found a daddy, daddy wants me!.- she tells her friend very happy and I just laugh.

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