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Now we are on the sofa with daddy, daddy is looking something on his laptop while I play with my toys.

-daddy look, i made a tower.- I say showing the tower of blocks I did.

-very cute baby.- he says whitout looking at my tower, so I shout another time.

-daddy you have to look at my tower.- I say shouting and he looks at my tower and sighs.

-it's very cool baby, but remember we don't shout in this house.- he sais, but he ahs looked at my tower for less than a second.

So I decide to start playing on my own without talking to him, if he doesn't want to give me attention I don't want his attention then, I connect my tipi, with my house, my tent and some other houses I have to play and do like a square with a little entrance, then I put a roof and I build my own castle another time, with different houses and places, I bring Musti in and all my toys.

As I'm playing with Musti and one of my stuffies he is bitting while I try to take it from him I hear daddy voice shouting for us.

-Baby, what are you doing?.- He asks, and i peek through a window and see that he is no longer with his laptop, now he wants to give me attention, but I don't want it.

-i'm playing with Musti.- I say

-baby, how do I enter to your castle?.- daddy asks and I say

-you can not enter, just me and Musti.- I reply and I hear him say:

-is that so? then come out, come play with daddy too.- he says

-no, you play with your laptop, I play with Musti.-I say while laughing with Musti.

-baby, cmon, come here with daddy, and we play with Musti, daddy is alone and bored here.- daddy trys convincing me but I just say:

-no, I no wanna.- i say and continue playing.

Now i'm coloring, a pretty picture of a dog, for Musti, to put on the wall of his house, but Musti is making the task a little bit complicated as he is taking away all my colors, everytime i grab a color pencil, he thinks of playing and comes to steal my color.

-No Musti, stop, we not break them, we paint!.- I say while trying to steal the color out of his mouth.

-baby, come out, we have to choos what we eat for dinner.- daddy says and we get out, me and Musty. Musti goes to him and give him kissies, but I go fast and snatch the dog out of his hands, he didn't give us attention later, we don't want it now.

-Musti, no, we are angry.- I say to Musti in a low tone of voice so daddy doesn't listen to us.

-cmon baby, what do you want for dinner today, ROsie and ROnals are on a dinner date with some friends, so we have to cook ourselves.- daddy explains.

We have decided to eat spaghettis with meatballs.

-cmon baby, clean your hands, we are going to do the meatballs.- daddy says, and I go clean my hands.

-okay, now we have to take some of this meat and make it into little balls like this, then we leave it here in the flour and then on the egg, and then we pour some flour anoher time, okay?.- daddy explains

-yes, okay.- I say and start doing tiny meatballs.

-look baby, the water is boiling now so we have to put the spaghetti in and we have to look at the clock and 8 minutes later we have to take out the spaghettis.- daddy explains me.

-okay, what with the meatballs?.- i ask him when I have all the meatballs done as there is no more meat.

-now, we put the meatballs in this pan, see, there is tomato and some sauce.- he explains and i throw the meatbalts to the pan and we cober it.

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