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I check another time on the message Tay had recieved and search where someone could have gotten her contact to be able to contact with her. I know for a fact, although I really hopei would be on the wrongs, that this message comes from the past daddy tayla had and for a matter of fact I know he wasn't the best daddy, he was abusive towards her and didn't help to develop tayla little side.

-daddy! daddy!- i hear Tayla's voice screaming for me, as I'm working on my laptop while she is having a nap on our bed surrounded by big pillows by the fear of her falling because she moves way too much.
/hello baby!- I say once I arrive to her, -why you no here when Tay wake up- she asks me in the most beautiful morning voice.
-because I was doing some work on my laptop over tere, and I got up very early and I didn-t want to get you up already.- I say while hugging her.
-cmon baby, we have to wake up and get ready for the afternoon and we can be with Maria, Carlah and all of your friends.- i explain her and she jumps up and down.

I haven't find much about her past daddy so I have to talk with her a bit, and see if I can take some more information ecause i want to hunt that son of...

-baby, can you tell me more about your past daddy.- i ask her and she while playing with my fingers starts to say very deep in little space:- he ugly, he no love like you, but hebuy me milkshake from grocery and i had fruit tree in garden, i pick up so many fruits like trawberies or nanas or even blue balls little to eat, but sometimes i could not because my past dadyd did not want me out because inonow.- she explains me, i will search, if he is frm this citie, because according to Sarah and Stepan he ws frm the same city, they never met him because tayla did not want and the boy did not want either, but they now he was not from outside the city.

-and where did you meet him?.- i ask her and she explains me:- i meet him on a litles shop, the one with the little cart and a cute bear in the bags when you shoped.- she explained me, i'm going to see what i can take from that store.

-why you ask daddy,you no wanna return me to him no?.- tayla asks worried and now she is a path of tears because for some reason she is scared i am searching her past daddy to return her.
-baby, no, i'm not going to return you to anybody because you're mine. I could not bear to leave without you, so no worries let's calm down, big breaths and relax, here look i will let you take your paci for a few because you know the paci is for when we sleep because we are good big girls.- i explain her giving her the paci she quickly snatches out of my hand, and I know it will be hard to take it out from her.

-babies! can I come in?.- i hear my dad's voice after some knocking and Tayla scream through her paci .- papa, yeay!.- so my dad comes and wihout any warning he jumps onto us on the bed and Tayla gets onto a fist of giggles laguhing for the tickles.

-i was comming to see if you wanted to see a movie or do something with me, because your mother is cooking and planning i don't know what party and it's very borring.- he explains to us and Tayla gets the control of the TV we have on the room and she says :- we can watch barbie, or we can play my games!.- she says while jumping of the bed to go for her games.

After half an hour we are playing her princess game, where of course she is winning because she can do whatever she wants but I can, she has made a complot with my father in front of me, and they are making me lose.

-hei, that's cheating,  you said i couldn't do that and he can, how comes huh?.- i say and tayla laughs and whispers something to my father.
-you loser, you have to know to lose.- tayla tells me and i jump on her "eating" her.
-no no daddy i not mousemelow.- and here it comes that cute word out of her mouth, even my father laughe at "mousemelow".

-Tay, baby, i think what you are not is a marshmellow.- my dad tells and she looks at him funy and continues laughing without caring one bit.

-TayTay!.- we hear Mariah's voice shout and Tayla quickly gets up and shout Mariah's name back, 1 second later her and roman are in our room.
-look, look daddy got us  avery super hiper funny thing to do!.- Mariah says and tayla looks at her. - he said we can go on a ride, through a zoo where lions and elephants will be near us, and that we can even will be able to feed them, but from big platforms so they don't eat us.- mariah says and tayla looks at me. - we can go, yes of course.- itell her and she gets up to hug Mariah, and somehow they end up jumping in our bed while me, Roman and my dad talk on the sofa of my room.

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