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We are on the pool, daddy throw himself near us and splashed us with water so i'm mad at him. Right now we are playing with little mermaids with papa and granny and swimming on the part were the water doesn't cover, but pappa then says.

-girls, i'm going swimming, do you wanna come, and you can get on you floaties.- he says and Mariah goes running to the water but i just put my arms up to be picked up as water is not my bestfriend.

-okai baby, don't worry, papa will hold you.- papa says and i smile, we get on the water and daddy comes to us, he tries picking me but i turn my head and hug papa.

-oh baby, so that's it, now that papa is here no more daddy huh.- daddy says and he tries making me look at him but i refuse.

-okay baby, but you can not cry later.- daddy says and goes to play with Mariah and Roman and I pout but papa makes me forget in a second. We are all playing on the pool, with a ball and our floaties when we hear some screams and two girls enter with their bathing suit and a little floatie and a men, who i deduce are the two littles from daddy's cousin.

-hei Louis!-. ROman shouts greeting the man and then the two littles.-hi charlotte, hi helen, how are you?- ROman asks and the big on who i think is charlotte says:

-fine, we come to the pool to swim!.- she says and then daddy says.

-come lottie.- daddy said and charlotte clapped and waites for her daddy to ask for permision.

-papa, nana!.- Helen says running to granny and pappa, but i hug pappa so he doesn't leave me.

-look Tayla, this is Helen, and that is Charlotte, they are Louis littles.- papa explains me and the men, Louis comes to say hello.

-hi cuttie, i'm your daddy's cousin, i'm Louis but they call me Lou you can call me whatever you want.- he says and I say :- Hello Louuu.- like a cow sound.

After 10 minutes, they get on the pool, and I see how charlotte throws himself at daddy and I get mad so i stop hugging papa and get out.

-Tayla, baby, why you got out, you don't want to play with them?.- granny asks and i say no with my head and lay on a chair next to her.

-baby, what happens.- granny asks when she sees my pout, and I hug her.

-my daddy.- is all I say and she hugs me.

-baby, you have to understand you rejected daddy first, plus he is like their uncle so they hug him and give love to him because they love him as their uncle, and when he didn't have you, he was alone so the girls always gave him a little bit of attention.- granny explains and I cry, when suddenly strong arms pick me up and hugh me and I hug daddy back without carring that he is wet.

-i wanna my daddy.- is all I say and i hear how he tolds her mom:-see, i told ya she was possesive.- and i just hug him more. after a while we go back to the water and i don't stop hughing daddy and papa.

-look dad, Tayla will show you how she jumps from my shoulders.- daddy tells papa and i get on daddy shoulders and jump.

-Lewi, i wanna jump too.- Charlotte says, i don't like her she just wants attention, it's what she has been attracting all the time. As Charlotte aproaches daddy i cling more to him and daddy says.

-later Lottie, now Tayla is a bit tired and is here with me.- daddy says and the ugly little says:-no care, leave this alone and let's jump.- she says and i get mad and try to go to papa, but daddy doesn't let me.

-Lottie, this is not nice at all, you will have to wait.- daddy says and daddy goes to a side of the pool.

-baby, Charlotte is like this, she is a bit difficult with other littles, but you will have to give her the time to meet eachother and adjust.- daddy says and i turn my head to the other side.

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