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-HI taytay hi lewi.- Mariah says being the first one who sees us. Melody, Sarah, Stephan, Mario and Roman are eating breakfast.

-hello.- i say to everyone on the room.

-TayTay how's the drunking from yesterday huh?.- Stephan says

-good, i don't get passed over.- I say to Stephan taking my tongue out to him.

-hei baby.- Lewis says for my last gesture.

-meanie.- is all i say

-cmon girls, today we will go to a theme park to say goodbye to Tayla and Mariah.- Mario explains and we clap.

-cmon baby, eat and then we will go get ready.- daddy says putting a bottle and cereals in front of me.

-daddy open bottle.- i say and he opens the cap, but i want to pour the milk onto the cereal

-daddy no, milkie to the cereal.- i explain and he gets milk from the fridge and pours  it onto my bowl of cereal.

-thank you.- i say smiling

-your welcomen baby.- he says givins me a kiss on the cheek

We eat breakfast and then something kicks in my bowels so I start to get uncomfortable as I don't wanna do it here with my friends and his daddys present. So I try catching daddy attention

-daddy, i want uppies.- i say and he first says no but i still insist and he ends up putting me on his lap and I reach to  his ear.

-daddy, I have to go.- i say silently on his ear.

-okai baby, let me grab my coffe and we will go upstairs.- he tells me, and I hug him holding my bowels movements in.

-cmon baby, let's go, do you wanna walk? I have to bring my coffe.- he tells me but i say no with my head

-okai baby, let's go.- he says getting up and going to my room.

Once we get to my toom he sits on the rocking chair with me on his lap and rubs my tummy.

-cmon baby, go and I will change you and then we can come back and we can say we came back to look on Musti.- daddy says, and i try to let it go, but it stills a bit difficult.

I push and logs of poop start to enter the back of my diaer, daddy has his hand on my butt and he feels it. I push and more logs come out.

-wow baby, that's a big mess, are you sure your tummy it's okay?.- daddy asks and i don't say anything as i push more.

-daddy i done, bu tmy tummy feels bad.- i explain to him telling him my tummy has strange movements.

-cmon let's change you, we will have to be careful if your tummy is sick.- daddy says and he puts me on the changing table, and he changes me while doing some comments.

-wow baby, that is not very solid, sure thing your tummy is sick.- daddy says and i pout, I don't wanna be sick, and less tumy sick.

-baby, don't worry, everytime you need to go to the bathroom you just have to tell me and we will go somewhere and I will change you.- daddy says and I nod.

We come back and daddy says we went looking for Musti and to see if I was okay as i feel sick, and I feel Mariah hugginh me.

-look TayTay, i bring you bluey from the sofa, to feel better.- Mariah says handing me Bluey and i say a quick thank you.

-daddy.- i say getting his attention and pointing to the paci, but Roman is faster and gives it to me.

-here you have beautiful baby, uncle Romi has it for you.- he sys and i smile

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