chapter 1

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Tayla hasn't stop talking about what she will show me in her room, and I just listened to her with a big smile on my face, this little girl has something that makes me wanna hug her all day.

-go go go daddy!.- she tells me while i unbuckle her and she just grabs my hand and runs to her room. She opens the door and I see a princess bed with blue walls, and a lot of stuffies.-look daddy, this is Mimi, she is a cute panda, and this is tutu a cute bear and this is mali she is a tiger, roar.- she tells me showing me some of her stuffies, and I tell her.- well cutie, it's late, so maybe you should change your diaper, put your pijama on and go to sleep.- i tell her and she tells me:- you no leave me, you sleep here, true?.- she asks me and i smile, with that cute face how could i say no:- of course baby, all my babygirl wants.- i tell her, Stephan comes and handles me a sports pants and a t-shirt that are his, but he gives them to me to use it as pijama.

-daddy, help!.- tayla says from the bathroom, so I go there and she is trying to take out the dress but she hasn't undone the zipper, so i help her and see that her diaper is a bit more swollen.-come on baby, do you need more help?.- i ask her and she just says no with her head so i go out and wait for her on her bed, i look around and she has photos with Sarah, her daddy and Melody too. She has a wardrobe full of diapers, she might be a messy one if she has that many, i also notice she has like a ton of different ones.

-daddy, look, i a panda.- she says when she comes out of the bathroom with a full pijama of a panda.-wow, what a cute panda, but this panda now has to go to sleep, or otherwise i might have to eat her.- i tell her and she cames running to me and jumping onto me hugghing me. I put ourself on bed together, i know it's strange that knowing her from that night, i only know her from 6 hours, but we have a special conection.

She gets a paci and puts it in her mouth, then after getting on top of me she gets sleep, and i just watch her sleep a while and put myself to sleep.

Next morning i hear a voice and I open my eyes to see Stephan: hey dude, see you got Tay to open up.- he tells me and I tell hi,:- yeah, she is  a very open little.- i say while having one hand on her diaper butt and the other one rubbing her head.-well, not really, she has been very closed, she just made the click with you, we hadn't seen her that good after her last daddy.- she tells me and I tell her:- she is very special to me, I know it sounds strange because i don't even know her from 24 hours, but i swear that something in her makes me wanna hold her all day.-i tell him and he laughs:- sure you will, she is very clingy, her last daddy let her very indecisibe and not much secure about herself so you better treat her well, or you will have to deal with an angry Sarah, and believe me you don't wanna.- he tells me and when I notice Tayla moving i tell him:- thanks mate, but I only plan on loving her as much as she lets me.- and then Tayla starts waking up and he leaves.

-hello beautiful.- i tell her when she opens her eyes.- hi daddy.- she tells me and I just hug her, she doesn't know how that word on her mouth makes me feel. I give her patts on her butt and she realizes the state of her diaper, or i think so because she turns a little bit shy.- hey baby, don't get shy, you're just a little baby, your diapers wet are normal.- i tell her and she just laughs.-come on, let's get changed and then we will have breakfast, and if you want, you can come with me, to watch the kittis and doggies, and we can have on of our 5 dates.- i tell her and she jumps of excitement.

We both get changed and dressed, she put herself on cute pink pants and a white top with a pink jacket.

-let's go baby, we will grab breakfast on the go.- i tell her who reaches for my hand, but doesn't walk, so i turn to look at her and she is putting her hands towards me on a movement and she tells me : uppies, daddy.- and i just grab her and put her on my hip.

We say hi to Sarah who is eating pancakes feed by Stephan, and Carlo doesn't even look at us. My choffer brought my car here so I seat Tayla on the front seat and put her seatbelt:- baby, i will sit you here until we get you a cute car seat.- and she says:- blue, blue!.- and she hugs her little stuffie elephant:-and who is this baby?.- i ask her while pointing at her elephant and she says: this bluey, he my favirit.- she says and i correct her:- it's favourite:- and she just looks thorugh the window while singing the song from the radio.

We get to the club and we enter, this place at night is a club with neon lights and loud music, but during the day it's just a club to hang out with your little with cute songs and lights and stuffies everywhere.

-baby, let's go the kitties and doggies, they have to eat, and we can even give them a treat.- i tell her bringing her to the playroom.-look daddy, musti is here!.- she says while pointing at a little golden she namen Musti from the rey leon or something like that she told me.-let's go give him a treat.- i tell her and she runs, and the dog runs to her, and when they get to eachother the dog kisses the face from my little girl:-tay come here, let's take them to the outside playroom.- i tell her and we put them on the outside place where there are also the big dogs and there is a big garden for all the dogs to play.

-look daddy, Musti follow me.- and i see the dog following her around.-baby, give him this,. and I handle her a treat, she goes and gives it to the dog. We play for a while with the dogs and cats and then, after an hour, it's time to go inside, because my best friend is here to talk some things about our company.

-daddy, Musti wants to come.- she tells me and I tell her:- but he can, he will miss her friends and other puppies, we can come visit him tomorrow.- i tell her and she pouts so i hug her and tell her:- baby, Musti can not come with us, your house isn't big enough for him and he will mis his friends here, we can come visit him whenever you want okay?.- and she nods with a sad smile. After giving the dog a lot of kissies, she comes to me and clinges to me so i put her on my hip, she is sad of leaving the dog.

I get inside the room and see my best friend Roman with her little girl Mariah.- Lewiii!.- Mariah runs to me and trys to hug me, but Tayla clinges more to me when I try to let her on the floor.- Tay, baby, look, this is Mariah, say hi.- i tell her trying to make her take the head out of my neck and stop clinging that much.-Lewii, i wanna huggies.- Mariah says, and i try to hug her and grab her with my other hand but Tayla pushes her away, and MAriah crys.- Tay, baby, we do not push other people, okay?.- I ask her, and I just feel her strat to cry on my shoulder.-Tay baby, look at me.- i try to make her look at me, and after 2 minutes of hugging her she looks at me with her red puffy eyes.- baby, I understand you're sad for Musti, we will go see him later, but we can not push other people.- i tell her and she just puts her head on my chest and crys so i  hug her while i hug ROman and MAriah how I can.

-hey man, didn't know you got a little.- ROman tells me sitting on a couch: - neither did I, after yesterday.-i tell him, and i feel Tayla sucking her finger so i just give her her stuffie and ask for a bottle and a paci.- well man, we need to do a trip to Hawaii, there is knew materials we might wanna for our new project, and we have to go the two of us.- he tells me and I just think of it would be a good idea or not, bringing Tayla with me. The bottle and the paci arrives, so i Just put the bottle on Tayla mouth and she stars sucking while graving my hand. -Lewi, I wanna sit on your lap.- Mariah says, she is a little jelous little so i explain her:- Mariah baby, Tayla is on my lap taking her bottle, later i will hold you a bit okay?.- she pouts but then just nods, while i feel Tayla start to watering her eyes and clinge more onto me and she just says to me:-no leave me- so i just shush her calming her and putting the bottle nipple to her mouth again.

-bro, she defenetly wants you, she is so clingy.- ROman tells me and i smile looking at Tayla closing her eyes:- she is.- After talking after bussiness and deciding we will go to hawaii on 2 1 week, we go to our cars to leave,  I have to go home and change.

-Tay baby, i will put you on the car, I have to go to my house, do you want to come with me or I leave you at your apartment?.- i ask her.- you.- it's her answer. So I drive to my house, when we arrive I make Tayla get up and we enter to my mansion, she looks the house with ah wow on her face.-daddy, this your house?.- she asks me and I tell her:- yes, and I hope yours too soon.- she just laughs. We get inside the house and after doing a tour, we go to my room, where i Leave her in my bed watching some cartoons on the TV and go shower and change.

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