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Tayla is now asleep on my arms, she is still sucking on her bottle but there's no more milk so i take the nipple of her mouth and put the paci, I put her in her crib and close the door grabbing with me the controller to see if she is still asleep at all time.

I go to my office and open the laptop, some emails pop up, I see my secretary has send me the planning for Hawaii, the first day we will go to the beack and to dinner with my parents, the next day we will go to a water park, and the other my cousin will come with his two littles and we will go to a natural park where Tayla will see Elephants, the 4 day it's meeting day so I will try leaving Tayla with my parents and then, the last two days we will enjoy the beach and do some excursions.

I get some work done, as when Tayla is up she demands a lot of attention, and now even more as she is sick, but i adore my clingey attention demand babygirl. As Tayla has had a 1:30 hour nap, I go to get her up, as she will not sleep this night if I don't wake her up now. I go to her room and open the curtains.

-hello baby, cmon get up.- I say rubbing her butt and her back.

-nuuu.- it's all I said when I try getting her up.

-cmon baby, get up, we have todo fun things no sleep all the afternoon.- I say and she starts getting up, she reacher her arms to be to picked up so I do as my princess demands.

-cmon, let's change the diaper and then we will go to the kitchen to see Ronnie and ROssie, and we can help them with the lunch.- I say and he smiles while being sleepy.

I put her on the changing table, she has get more comfortable with diaper changes, I open her onesie and open the tabs of her diaper, clean her, take the diaper out and put a new one, and apply a gentle amount of cream and powder, i tap the diaper up and then close her onesie.

-cmon baby, up up up.- I told her making her get up and I put her on my hip.

We get to the kitchen and she sees Ronnie and Rosie, she waves them and Rose touches her forehead as I told her Tayla was sick.

-my poor baby is sick, I made some white rice and dinno nuggets so your tummy feels better.- ROsie says kissing her forehead.

-look TayTay, ROnnie has bought you this because I was on the store and I saw this paci of a bunny and I thought of my little bunny.- Ronald says showing her a pacifier with a pompom and ears she goes to ROnals and hugs him.

-cmon baby, let's set the table up to eat.- I say and she helps bringing the forks and then her sippy cup.

-you want your chair, or with daddy?.- I ask as I know she is sick and is very very clingey, and I permit her being that clingey. She just points to me, so I sat her on my lap and start feeding her small bites.

-look, Ronnie is goin to take your dinner, he is going to eat it.- I say to Tayla while we are trying to make her eat a little bit more.

-no Ronnie, this for me, you can have bite.- Tayla says and offers him her spoon but ROnals just makes her laugh.

-cmon baby, 5 more spoons and then we are done if you want.- I say convincing her, i push 6 spoons on her mouth and then she complains so I set her down and she goes with ROnald to play.

All of a sudden, she says:

-I go up to see Musti.- and runs upstair, is strange as she will always make one of us go with her as she doesn't like to go upstairs alone so I follow her. When I open our room door I don't see her, but there's light on the bathroom, I go there and when I open the door I see Tayla flush the toilet and try to reput her diaper.

-Tayla, you're on big problems, come here now.- I say being mad that she didn't ask for permission, and I think she will have to have a severe punishment.

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