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We are going to this fancy restaurant, there's people at the door in the line, but we skip it, as soon as they see papa and granny they open the door at us and we get to sit on a table that it's in a separate room, with some music and the table is already set with cards with our names.

-daddy, we can do a dance party!.- Mariah says pointing at the music equipment there is.

-of course baby, but not now.- Roman says, we all search for our names, i'm sitted next to daddy and papa, it's a rounded table so we all see eachother.

-okai girls, what if we ask for you some macarronis, some fried chicken with fried potatoes and a salad?.- Louis say and we all say it's okay for us. As the adults get some random plates.

-daddy what you got?.- i ask at him when the waitress has everything written down on a notebook.

-i have a fish that's so exclusive cooked in this place, it's soo good, i will let you try it. I always get the same dish when i come in here baby.- daddy explains and y say okay, then Mariah has made up with the music equipment and of course she is putting lous music. But we all get up to dance with her.

-come here baby, let me dance with my beautiful most preciated gift life has given me.- daddy says while dancing with me.

The food came so we stopped the music and get to our seats, we all start eating while talking, they explain thing that have happened to them on a past, future places they want to travel and the typical thing you talk off on the table.

-Now girls, we are going to go clubbing, this club is our club and there will be lots of people that know us. And this is major for Tayla as she is knew and i'm sure a lot of people will want to meet you.- papa says as we get out of the restaurant and get to the cars.

-why?.- i ask and daddy says:- baby the club if from my parents so they will know you're my girlfriend, and also you're my girlfriend and everyone there knows me so that's the answer, but don't worry you don't have to say anything if you don't want to.- daddy says and i nod with my head.

Once we get to the club there's a big man on the door that opens the door once he sees us and leaves there some people waitiing in the line, everyone greets and looks at papa, granni and daddy and we get seated on a rounded table with a blue sofa on the middle of the salon, and there's an scenario infront of us.

-What do you want?.- papa asks and everyone orders drinks, except us that they order a bottle of water for us.

-daddy i no want water, i want juice.- i say and he says:- that's not how we ask for things, ask me nicely.- he says and i say turning my eyes at him.-please, can i have pineapple juice.- and then he orders it.

Two couples come to our table i identify the old couple are the doms and the other two, a boy and a girl who are dressed in onesies and tuts skirt, and the boy in joggers are the littles.

-nuggi come here i want you to meet someone.- papa says and i go with him.-look this are Pedro and Sandra, Pedro works with me and this is his wife, and this two littles are Carlah and Ronald but we call him Ruf.- i say hi with my hand and then the girl says:- we going to the balls and the games, do you want to come?.- she asks and i look at daddy who gets up greets the couple and we go to a zone where there is games. Mariah, lele and charlotte come with us also.

-hi, i'm tay tay.- i say once we get to the top of a castle where there is some slides we can throw at.

-i carlah, and this is my brother ruf.- she says and we play throwing balls, playing on the castle and more.

-are you Lewis girlfriend?.- carlah asks suddenly and i say:-yes, he's my daddy and boyfriend.- i answer her while continue playing with the kitchen toys.

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