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Right now i'm at Carlah's house, her house is so big, and her family is so cool.

-baby, don't worry, daddy will eventually chill and you will be able to talk to him okay?.- granny says, she has come stay with us as daddy didin't want me alone on another house.

-i no wanna grani, he had to explain me but he wanted to fight so i no wanna, e had opportunity and lost it, now he will have to wait.- i say and granny laughs.

I'm waking up and i'm on the cinema room of Carlah's house, i'm sleeping with her as yesterday when we got home we watch mohana and then we got asleep.

-good morning Tayla.- susan says and i say a morning through the paci.

-come, you can get breakfast while Carlah wakes up, she is a panda she sleeps a lot.- she says and i go with her to the kitchen.

-you want pancakes or waffles?.- she asks an di point to the pancakes.

-hi baby.- granni says and sits next to me and i hug her.

-daddy and the rest are going to come in an hour to go to the water park, Carlah is coming too, and Ruff, and SUsan and Pedro,. granni says and i clap.

-i better get carlah up or we will be late.- susan says and leaves the kitchen.

-baby, behave please today, you can be mad at daddy but behave at the park please don't get too much on his nerves.- granni says and i say:- i will ignore him and that's all.-

-Tayla, end up having breakfast, you daddy is alredy on he drive away he said he wanted to come early to talk and be with his babygirl.- Pedro says entering the kitchen with Ruff.

-i no babygirl, i TayTay, hi ruff.- i say and ruff waves hello with his hand, yesterday they told me his headspace if 1 year old, so he doesn't really talks or walk a lot, he is always carried.

-Ruf today we are going to the water park, with tayla, and sisi and everyone!.- Pedro explains ruf ruf and i say:-and we will jump and be on slides and swim and have lots and lots of fun!.- i say and ruff smiles and claps showing happinnes. And then we hear the doorbell.

-your daddy is here TayTay.- he says and i don't say anything else.

-baby nuggi, come get papa a hug.- i hear papa's voice on the entry so i run and throw myself at papa hugging him.

-i missed you so much this night baby, you had fun?.- he asks and i nod my head and daddy trys grabbing me while saying:- give me my girl, i missed her more.- but i say no with my head.

-cmon baby, don't tell me you're still mad at me.- he says and i say yes with my head and he says:-well, let's talk and let me change you to go to the water park.-he says and i say:- no, i change me, no need you.- is all i say and he says:- you don't even know where are your clothes so let me help you, please, i haven't sleep at all this night, i wanna talk with you, please.- he says and i see his eyes get sad so i end up saying a tiny low okay.

I'm on a guest room with daddy, he is changing my diaper and putting  a new one on, he tells me that later we will have to change it into a swimming one that he has on the backpack.

-so baby, tell me you had fun?.- he asks and i nod.-i missed you soo much, i couldn't sleep with you.- he says and i say:- you had your ex.- and he looks at me surprised.

-baby, i just talked with her, she came to tell me sorry for the discussion she caused for the text messages, she also apologised Roman and then we explained me that he broke up with his past daddy and that's all.- he explains and i say.

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