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We are at the pet store with daddy, the first thing we buy it's a nice blue collar and robe for MUsti, and dadDY even got a little bone with his name and my daddy phone nuMber so he doesn't get lost, then I also bought him some jackets and T-shirts, two beds, a lots of toys, we got him balls, bones, and even treats, 4 different types of treats.

-cmon baby, we can go grab a smoothie, and even one for Musti.- daddy says, he has been trying to make up for me, but I still feel a little bit sad or shy for Mariah being around. I grab his hand, and he gets a bit surprised, we go to Starbucks, where he gets me  a stuffie and even one for Musti, a pupucino or something like that.-thank you.- I say and then Musti barks:-Musti says thank you too.-we laugh.

-baby, can you stop being mad at me? I want my babygirl back.- daddy tells me and I just look down, I don't know what to do or what happens. -baby, look at me.- daddy says and when he sees the pout on my face he comes and sits next to me.-baby, I'm not mad, you hadn't done anything bad, don't cry, don't be sad.- he tells me and I clinge to him with Musti on my arms.Daddy pays and then we go to the car to leave everything we have bought. When we get to the car, I don't let daddy put me down so he sits on the car with me on his lap.

-cmon baby, tell me why you have been like this, I missed you on my bed, hugghing and kissing you.- he tells me and I put my head on his chest:-because, you go with Mariah, you no love me when Mariah is.- i say letting it out and he laughs:- baby, Mariah it's like my nephew, I have seen her since she was a little, and when I didn't have you, Mariah grow very close to me because her daddy Roman it's like my brother and that's why i'm very close to her, she usually has her daddy and her uncle Lewi, me.- he explains and I say:- i no like her.- i tell him and he says: -baby, you haven't even tried, yesterday she was with us all the time because you girls didn't wanna her with you.- he tells and I say:- she didn't let you go.- to justify myself.

-baby, she was alone, you were with Sarah and Melody, she didn't have any friend, so she went with who she knew that's her daddy and me.-

-i no like her.- i say again

-well baby, you will have to eventually like her, in a week we are going to hawai together.- I just cling to him and hug him and Musti gives us kisses

-Musti, i share daddy with you, but just with Musti.- i say

-oh, how generous are you.- daddy says in sarcasm

-let's go buy pretty things, with Sari and Melody.- I say and he says

-and Mariah too baby.-

I do grabby hands so he puts me on his hip while Musti is on his leash on our side. When we arrive we go to an abdl shop, where Daddy tries to put me on the cart but I clinge to him and even more when I see Mariah coming to daddy so I hug him more.

-Tay baby relax, I'm not letting you down see, you're here on my arms, don't worry.- daddy tells me while rubbing my back.

-look baby, Mariah has got a present for you.- daddy says and I take my head out of her neck and I see Mariah holding two stuffies, two pandas who have dresses on it.

-look Tayla, we can dress them!.- she says trying to grab my hand so daddy follow her onto a wall full of clother for the stuffies.

-cmon baby, let's pick some for your new sutffie, and we can even get cloher for bluey!.- daddy says and I nod. We end up picking 4 clother for my new stuffie and 4 more for Bluey, we put it on our cart but Mariah grabs it and puts it on her cart saying it's a present she'll pay it.

-baby, let's get more pacis, which ones do you like?.- daddy says and we get a couple more, one that has an elephant on it, other with glitter, and lots more.

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