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We are returning home when suddenly a funny feeling hist my bowels so i stop walking and take a hold on daddy's arm.

-baby what happens?.- daddy asks and i think that just for the look on my face, he knows what's happening.

-baby, you can go and we will get to the house and i will change you, i don't think is god for you to hold it plus we still have 5 minutes to get there.- daddy says and silent tears fall from my eyes.

I stop moving as i don't want to poop on the outside, it's okay home and it's okay at our privacy but daddy as he sees me stop he gets me on his hip and that movement makes me loose my bowel battel and i start pooping on my diaper. I push big logs of poop into the back of my diaper and i know daddy is feeling it as he hands one hand on my butt and i'm on his hip.

-come on baby, we will go home and i will change you don't worry.- daddy says while i cry.

Later we get at the house and daddy doesn't go up, so i look at him.

-baby, i told you i will change you but not in the same moment we enter the home.- daddy says and we go to the salon were everyone is and daddy sits on the sofa with me on his lap.

-my beautiful nuggi, you don't want to go play with them?.- papa asks and i just say no with my head and cry on daddy's chest.

-please can we go uppie please?.-i ask daddy on the ear.

-no baby, no yet, daddy is talking , when we're done we will go upstairs.- daddy tells me so i cry on his chest while the others are playing and the aduts are talking.

-Lewis, why don't you go upstairs, Tayla has asked you to go upstairs and you have been here for a good time.- granni tells daddy and i look at granni who winks and eye to me and blows me a kiss.

-okai okai, we go upstairs.- daddy says and gets up and goes upstair.

-cmon let's change my stinky baby.- daddy says and throws me on the bed. He goes and grabs a new diaper and everything he needs and changes me.

-wow baby, you sure did a big thing back here.- daddy says and puts the new diaper on me.

-cmon baby, we have to go eat, and then you will have a nap as tonight we're going to go out to have lunch because we have  a big notice for you all.- daddy says and i look at him wanting to know that surprise but all he says is:

-i will tell you later baby, not now, it's a surprise if i tell it to you it won't be a surprise.- daddy says and we go down and they are all on the table ready to eat.

-come with me baby, i have this sit next to me and Mariah just for my nuggi.- papa says and i go and set in the middle of Mariah and papa.

-TayTay, papa and i think this afternoon we will do a big race with the skates.- Mariah says and papa answers:- yes, you can also be in it.- and i nod, eventhough i don't know much how to skate.

-here you have girls, crown nuggets for my princesses.- granni says putting in front of us a plate with crown nuggets and fried potatoes.

-fank you grani.- i say and she gives me a kiss on the head.

-mum, i want nuggets to!.- daddy says and we laugh.

-no, it's only for my beautiful girls.- granni says and daddy says:- cmon baby, give me one.- but i say no with my head.

-no, it's mine and Mariah, and Lele and Charlotte, not daddy.- i say and then papa asks me if i give him a bite so i do and daddy says.

-wow, what a traitor, i'm your daddy, i'm the one who feds you, play with you,... and you don't give me a nugget but you give it to my dad, i feel dissapointed.- daddy says with a bit of sarcasm but i pout not wanting him to be sad so i get down of my chair and go give him a nugget.

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