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The girls are euforic to get to Hawai, and it still 2 hours left of flight, so we are tying to calm them and make them ocupied so they don't ask every 2 minutes how long it will take.

-TayTay, we do dance party?.- Mariah asks Tayla, and Tayla nods and both of them look at us with puppy eyes.

-here baby, cmon i will let you put music and we can even put the special lights.- Roman says to Mariah to who he gives his phone and she takes it. Mariah takes  aball and I know it's her dance party ball, it makes all the room have colorfull and moving lights.

-daddy i wanna a dance party light.- Tayla says looking at me aand i smile at her.-we will buy one some day okay baby.- i say and she nods and smiles.

Music fills the plane and the two little girls start dancing up and down the plane, ROsi and ROnals have put themselves some headphones as they are watching a film. And me and ROman, we are trying to have a conversation but between the loud music and the big screams off the girls singing it's quite difficult. THey are singing and dancing when all of a sudden, a notification sound pops and when ROman goes to ask Mariah for the phone, she screams:

-you're such a liar, you no good daddy, no good friend, no good uncle no good people no good nothing!.- she screams and I get up and go there as ROman is a bit in shock.

-hey lady i don't aloud you to be that bratty, so you better start behaving or you will be all day on the house without going out having a punishment, so you better behave, if you have a problem you have to talk it, not became a fully bratt and start screaming incoherences.- Roman scolds her and she crys, I try grabbing her to talk but she screams at me:

-No LEwis stop, you are a bad friend and a bad uncle too. I thought that bitch was out of your life, if she isn't your little why you have to have contact with her, you're with Tayla, you're a freaking liar.- she says and I don't get anything as the mention of my last little shocks me.

-let's go Tayla.- Mariah says grabbing Tayla hand and pulling her to the plane room where they lock theirselves.

-man look at this.- ROman says and hands me his phone where I see a text from Leila.

"hei Roman, I talk with Lewis and he told me you were going to Hawai, i'm here too with some friends, hope we can meet, I miss booth of you and I hope everything is good in your lifes. And with some luck you're no longer with that bitch of a little you had. Well, i hope to see you booth soon, I miss a lot Lewi and uncle ROman."

-fuck!.- is all I scream as I realize right now MAriah must be telling Tayla all my past relationship as she nows, but my baby doesn't.

-what we do now?.- ROman asks.

-i don't know men, but that bithc being there is going to be a problem, i'm sure she will do something to see us, and I don't think Tayla is prepared to see my past little, and i don't think i am too.- i say and Ronald and Rosie look at us with simple smiles, as they know the true story, not what we told MAriah to understand it, plus Mariah hates Leslie.

-and what's that she knows we are coming to Hawai?.- ROman asks and I explain him that 3 days ago she call to my office, because she missed me and those things and i told my secretary to told him that i'm on a trip and my secretary told her i was in hawai, so .- i explain him

-man, we are fucked up, but i don't know why she sends us this message, on my phone, everything.- ROman says

-nah men she knows Mariah has full control of your phone if she wants, she knows if she sends it to me i will not answer, as the hundred messages she already send me, it's  a way to create a fight between you and Mariah.- i tell him, and then I hear Tayla crying with Mariah and I run to the door, but it still looked.

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