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I end up sleeping in the same bed as daddy, because he left me no other option, but i put a pillow between us. Now it's morning and I try to move but i feel arms wrapped around me and the pillow i put yesterday between us is not there it's on the floor.

-Lewi stop, i no wanna huggies.- i say moving trying to get out of his arms.

-baby stop, it's too early.- he says in his morning deep voice

-no, you sleep but take arms out, and you took the pillow out.- i say and he laughs

-you really thought a pillow could stop me for hugging my baby, because you're my baby, mine.- he says

-no, i not yours i'm mine, TayTay is from TayTay and Musti.- i say

-here baby, have this..- he says and try shoving the pacifer on my mouth back again, he puts his fingers on it so i can't not spill it out.

-mph mph mph!.- is all it cames out of my mouth with the pacifier in. When Lewis takes his hand out of the paci i throw the paci at him being mad.

-hei baby, you could had hurt me doing that.- he says and i'm mad

-i no care.-i say not caring and focusing my attention to Musti.

-Musti come wif me.- i say making him jump onto the bed and kissing my face.

-baby, what did i told you about the dog on the white bed covers.- lewis says

-i no care what you say, if dis is my room, i say musti be here.- i say and he laughs at me another time

-baby, this is our room, yours and mine but Musti can't get up here because he will get the white covers dirty and now he's little, but when he gets bigger you will not be able to teach him to not get on the bed.- lewis explains me but I don't care as Musti starts playing.

-here Musti, have the paci.- i say trying to put my paci on his mouth but Lewis quickly snatcsh it out of my hands.

-no baby, you can not give Musti your paci, you will get bacterias, the paci only goes on your lips.- he says and trys putting the pacifier on my mouth

-no, i no want it, musti want it.- i say trying to grab the paci, but he doesn't let me and ends up leaving the paci on his side table.

-cmon, let's go change your diaper and then let's go have breakfast.- Lewis says, because last night he put a diaper on me.

-noup, i no wan you.- I say and he laughs

-Tayla, stop it right now, you have been naugthy all day today and yesterday and I haven't punished you so stop it right now, or you will have your ass red in 10 minutes, and you will have an enema.- Lewis says and I pout crying silently

-cmon baby, stop crying, see, now you're behaving, you just have to behave like that.- Lewis trys calming me down. But i'm not crying because of the punishment, well not at all, i'm crying because he is not taking into care why i'm like that, why me heart is sad.

-come here baby, stop crying, daddy is here, and Musti and Bluey.- he says trying to hug me but i resist.

-no, you made my heart sad, and you punish me because you made me sad, i'm mad at you, i no wanchu to talk to you, you meanie, you no love me, you not good daddy anymore, me no wanna daddy like you, me wanna huggies, kissies, and cute thing that no make my heart sad.- i say crying and Lewis face changes.

-baby, i didn't know you feelt like that, come on come here let's talk about it.- Lewis says while carrying me to the rocking chair where he puts me on his lap.

-cmon baby tell daddy why you feel like that, because daddy loves you very much, daddy loves a lot his babygirl, but she doesn't let daddy give kissies and lots and lots of love that i have only for my babygirl, for you.- he says and silent tears fall from my eyes.

-you no take my opinion, you no ask, you're meanie, you no give love.- is all i said because i don't know how to explain the feeling.

-baby, I do, but i have to correct you, i'm your daddy for a reason, and when your opinion is wrong i have to correct you, i'm your daddy, it's my job to take care of you and corret you in case you need it.- he says and i just cry, he hugs me and i clinge to him crying.

-cmon baby, let's forget it okay, i will not punish you for your attitude from yesterday, and we will be okay, we forget it and that's all. Plus you have to be happy because tomorrow we will leave to go to Hawaii.- he says and I clap

-but me go with daddy all the time.- i say giving up on my little self

-of course, daddy will be with his baby at all times

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