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Sarah and Melody are already at our car and Mariah asks me what happened with Lewis.

-he is just dumb, he thinks my opinion doesn't count and he just demands too much over me, so I just told him to fuck off.- i say retouching my lips, and the first message from Lewis comes:

"baby, Stephan, MArio and ROman will come home so we can entertain ourself while we wait for you" he texts me and I reply with a "idc, do whatever you want and don't wait for me"

I close my phone and we are on the entry of a club, we get in and the music bangs the neon lights go from side to side and everyone is dancing and having fun.

We go and have the first drink, we go dancing and I see Sarah, MAriah and Melody texting their daddy's but I haven't answered the 17 messages from Lewis so I open the chat and without loooking at the messages sending him a video with a video of me drinking all my gdrink, showing my middle finger and dancing, the video with a message of "fuck off"

We spend the night laughing, dancing and having fun, Mariah is stopping to drink now because she is on the phase of getting drunk, me too but i don't stop and Sarah and Melody have stop drinking.

-Tayla, Mariah, Stephan says we should go home, it's 3, maybe it's time.- Sarag says

-noo, it's early, the club closes at 5!.- i say and Sarah replies

-if i don't go he will come, so i'm heading home.- sarah says and melody nods.

-i'm not, i will stay here with you Tayla!.- Mariah says

-Sarah, Melody, text me when you get to my house and get the car, tell the driver to come for us latter.- i tell them and i see them get loss with the multitude.

"Tayla, you're friends are here, ROman is getting mad, and I'm fumming you better be comming home now" i open his message

"chill, you seem a bit tens" it's all i answer

-Tayla, maybe we should get home, i'm drunked and Roman is getting a bit mad.- Mariah says and I nod when i see 4:25 on my phone clock

We get to the car, and the driver gets us home, we are trying oppening the door with the kye, but Mariah it's on the floor because she fell laughing and i'm also laughing. All of a sudden the door gets open and Roman and Lewis appear there.

-get up now.- ROman tells Mariah while helping her get up.

-don't worry daddy, I had lots of fun, maybe i drinked a little bit, but TayTay and I had very much fun, one of the best nights of my life.- she says and I laugh, Lewis wants to talk but i cut him off throwing myself on the sofa where I also see Mario and Stephan, Stepahn laughs

-you got pretty drunked.- he says

-no really? i dind't know- i say with sarcasm and Mario and stephan laugh

-Tayla, cmon, we really need a talk.- Lewis say and all I do is

-no, i'm going to sleep, goodnight Stephan and Mario, dream with me, or not or yes, well dream with whatever you want, with dicks, money, cars, your girls, everything.- i say and they laugh, I go up and i don't go the left where my room or Lewis room is i go to the right

-our room is on the other side Tayla.- lewis says and I don't listen to him, i go to the guest room that I know it's empty because Sarah and Melody are slepping on the others.

-i'm going to sleep here, close the door when you get out, goodnight.- i say taking of my shoes

-Tayla cmon, let's go sleep to our room.- he says and I nod, i'm forgetting Musti is there, so i go there running open the door and hug Musti.

-cmon Musti, today we will sleep together, you and me, we don't need anyone else.- i say and the dog happily follows me.

-tayla, stop that attitude or i will paint your butt red.- lewis tells me with grilled teeths

-noup, now, goodnight, i'm tired.- i say and get on bed, I get Musti on the bed and close the lights, then I feel Lewis getting on the bed

-what are you doing, get out of the bed!.- i tell him

-no, i'm sleeping with you.- he says

-no, haven't you listened to me, me and Musti that's all, i haven't mentioned you in any moment so get lost and go to your room, i don't want to sleep with you!.- i say and he looks at me

-don't talk to me like that, and get however you want we will sleep together, here, on my room or in any possible place.- he says

-i don't want to.- i say and I want a bottle

-go bring me a bottle.- i say to him, and he laughs

-noup, first that's not how you ask things and, aren't you big enough to go out clubbing and drinking, bottles are just for babys.- Lewis says

-i will go then.- and I get up and go to the kitchen, he is followin me.

I get the powder of the bottle and the bottle, I try getting the hot water but i don't know how it works so i get frustrated and Lewis laughs.

-don't laugh, get this working!.- i say pouting

-how do you ask things for?.- he says and I say a shy

-please.- i say

-please who.-he replies wanting me to call him daddy

-please Lewis.-i say and her face changes with a serious tone

-daddy to you.- he says

-please daddy.- i say the last word almost inaudible

- i didn't hear you.- he says and tired i shout

-please daddy.- and he laughs

-don't shout, the other people in this house is sleeping, behave baby.- he says and gets bottle and does my bottle.

-let's go baby, let's go to our bed so you can drink your bottle.- he says and i say no with my head.

-i drink my bottle with Musti you sleep on your bed.- i say and he laughs

-not  a chance.- he says and picks me up and puts me on his hip, i try making him let me on the floor but he doesn't

-stop moving or i will drop you on your head, stop it now.- he says and I stop squirmng on the threat and pout.

-no baby, don't be silly, daddy will never let you get hurt.- he says and i just don't look at him and he goes to his room and throws me one his bed, i try go and grab the bottle from her sidetable, but he grabs it before me and sits on the bed.

-cmon baby, come on daddy's lap so you can get your bottle to go night night.- he says, he is talking like that trying to make me feel little, but i won't let me slip that easy.

-no, it's my bottle, enough that i sleep with you wo gimme.- i say and he laughs trying to pull me on top of him.

-stop, i no want so stop it now.- i say trying to snath the bottle from his hands, and after 10 minuts fighting for my bottle i get it.

-now stop i wanna drink my bottle.- i say and lay on the bed giving my back to Lewi and i start sucking. As i'm halfway of the bottle i feel Lewi arm trying to aproach me to him and i whine.

-baby, cmon, stop it, i want to sleep with my babygirl, so stop it and behave.- he says and i say no with my head.

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