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I don't understand what happens to Tayla, she hasn't been with me for the evening, and when I try to get some love from her like the others are having she just says no.

-cmon baby, we have to go to sleep- i tell Tayla trying to make her come with me but she pushes me away.
-i sleep on castle- she says and I tell her-baby, your friends are going to sleep with their daddys, because here you're going to be alone in the dark, so let's go upstairs to out bedroom.- I try to reason with her. -no, me sleep here- she says and I try another method-but baby, daddy will get scared, what i'm going to do if you don't sleep with me, who I will hug?- I say and Mariah says happily:-Lewi you sleep with me and Daddy, we give you huggies.- she says, and when ai'm going to reply to Mariah, Tayla gets up and goes to her room.

I follow her and when I arrived I notice her throwing all her stuffies at her crib, witch she hasn't used since being here.
-baby, you will not sleep with me?- i ask her and she says:-no, I sleep here with Bluey- she says and I tell her:-and then, who i'm going to hug?- and she says;- no care, hug Mariah .- it makes me laugh and now i know what's happening she is jealous of Mariah.
-okay then, good night TayTay- i say and whenI try kissing her she goes away.

When I get to my room, I see Roman on the corridor and he asks me what's wrong.-Tayla it's mad at me, she is very possesive and I haven't given her enough attention, and she is jealous and mad. She hasn't even let me kiss her.- i explain and Roman tells me:-bro, I told you she is clingey you gotta now that when a little is like that you have to reasure that she is your favourtie all the time, and even let her be the princess one. She must have a bad past with daddys, and now she needs a lot of reassurance.- he explains me and I remember how Stephan told me that her past experience was very bad.

- i don't know what to do, tomorrow I will try to fix it.- I tell him and we all go to sleep.

When I get up, I miss my babygirl, so I go to her room without even stop at the toilet.
-hey baby, good morning- I say when I see she's awake. And she just says the most beautiful good morning thourgh the paci.
I take her to the changing table and change her all while trying to make her talk with me, or i don't know, obtain something from her but she doesn't.

I dress her up and before I can tell her something she goes runing down. To see her friends I guess.

When I get down the girls are all having breakfast on their daddys laps because we don't have enough high chairs. But Tayla is on her high chair.
-Tay, do you wanna come sit with daddy?- i ask her and she says no. Damm it, it's going to be difficult to make her happy again.

Now we are on the garden playing around, and yesterday, as we were going to sleep, I called my club to have Musti back here as it's her dog. I gave it to her but I decide it to leave it at the club to settle down. Let's hope Musti is going to make her happy again.

-baby, come here, I have a surprise for you.- i tell her and she says no, but before she can go away Musti comes runing to her.-Musti!!!.- she screams hugging Musti and letting the dog kiss her.-baby, aren't you gonna say thank you?.- I ask her and she just says a silent:than you.- and goes to Sarah and Melody to show the dog.

-Look, this my doggy, this Must, Musti this SAri and Melody.- Tayla says presenting the dog.-Lewi, I wanna touch the doggy.- Mariah says and I aproach Tayla and when i'm there I try grabbing Musti.-baby, let Mairah touch it.- I tell her and she grabs the dog hugging him while the dog shower her with kisses.she let MAriah touch the dog for a second and then she turns to her friends.

-Tayla, we have to prepare the bed for Musti, and we have to go shopping everything for the dog.- I explain her and she nods. I smile just watching how happy my baby is, but I'm sad she is not happy with me.

-okay so girls, jump at the car and we will go to the mall.-Roman says, we are grabbing two cars, we go with Roman and MAriah but i suspect Tayla it's not happy about that.-i wanna go with Sarah and Melody!.- she says screaming and crying.-baby, we just have a 15 minutes trip, I will let you my phone so you can talk with them, don't worry, you will see your friends in just minutes, plus you will go with Mariah, and me, and Roman, aren't you happy?.- I try calming her, so after 15 minutes of crying, I tell them that they all can go and that Tayla and I will grab our own car because it's the only thing that has made Tayla stop crying, going in our own car. I suspect she wasn't crying because of wanting to be with her friends, but she didn't wanna go with Mariah.

-baby, why you still mad at daddy, you haven't even hug me to bring Musti here.- I tell her once we are in the car, when I say this she gives me a little hug. On the car I try putting music she likes, but she just sings with MUsti.

-baby, now we go to the pet store to buy thing for Musti, and then we will get with your friends, okay?- I explain to her trying to have a little time alone and se if i get my baby back.

We go to the pet store, and she doesn't give me her hand because she hs the dog on her arms

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