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-TayTay!.- Mariah comes running to me when I get out of the car.

-Mariah!.- I say as we hug.

-look, I bring my baby, and my panda, and Bluey, and my baby carrier.- i explian her while going to the back of the trunk and wait for daddy to take out my baby carrier.

-me too!.- she says

We go happily inside and we go to the dinning room where Mariah has a playroom with toys in there.

-look, this is Baby, she is my baby, and this is pandix, and this is stito.- she says pointing first at the baby I give her, then to the panda she gave me and last to a jiraffe stuffie.

-cmon, let's put babys to bed.- she says and we start playing with our toys and our babys. I look over at daddy every each time, and everytime i look at him she smiles at me or even winks an eye.

-baby, come on, time to eat something.- daddy says picking me up.

-can we bring MArtini.- I ask holding my baby, he doesn't want to stay here alone.

-yes baby, but Martini will be on his chair, or you will get him dirty

So we are now sitted on MAriah and ROman kitchen eating dino nugets and Mariah and I have bringed our baby carriers to sit the babys in.

-look daddy, a T-rex!- Mariah says showing her daddy a dino and we laugh.

We spend the lunch time laughing and talking, but for some reason I don't feel very good as I was feeling so I try to make grabby hands to daddy so he picks me up and puts me on his lap, I lay my head on his chest and start sucking my finger.

-baby, don't suck you finger, here you have your paci.- daddy says taking my finger out of my hand.

-baby, do you wanna go play with Mariah?.- daddy says while trying tu put me on the floor, but I clinge to him not wanting to be anywhere else rather than his chest.

-no, me daddy.- I say clinging even more, if it's possible, to him.

-okai baby, do you want a bottle, you've only eatted 4 nuggets.- daddy says but he doesn't let me answer, we go to the dinning room while ROman is making coffe and Mariah playing.

I see daddy taking out milk powder and my bottle from my baby bag, I see how he pours some of the powder onto my bottle and shakes it, and then milk is done, so he pouts the nipple onto my mouth and I start sucking.

-here you have man.- I hear Roman saying while daddy gets a cup from ROman and drinks something.

-baby, stop playing with the nipple, if you're done I can let the bottle there.- daddy says when I play with the nipple of the bottle and I look at him sucking out more milk.

Almost ending the bottle I decide it's enough and I'm not more hungry so I take out the nipple of my mouth, daddy tries putting it in another time but I refuse.

-TayTay cmon, there's only a little left, finish the bottle, you have to get nutrients on the body to be able to play and have lots of fun.- he tries, but I refuse the 3 more times he tries putting the nipple on my mouth.

-okay baby, but you will have to finish later and it will be cold.- daddy says and I don't care as I put my paci into my mouth and lay on daddy. He burps me and then hugs me.

-i love you soo soo much babygirl.- daddy says and I giggle.

-do you wanna go play now?.- daddy asks and I say no through my paci and hug him.

-but Mariah wants to play with you, why have we come if you're not going to play with your friend.- daddy says, and I pout and suddenly, tears strats falling from my eyes.

-no baby, don't cry, why are you crying now beautiful princess?.- daddy asks me but I just cry.

Out of desesperation daddy hugs me more, puts my blankie on me and swings me while talking into my ear.

Once I'm calmed, daddy sits on the sofa with me on his lap, suddenly I feel a feeling hitting on my bowels, and I start to whine, but I don't wanna bother daddy and I don't want ROman and Mariah knowing I have to poop, so I try to hold it.

I close my eyes, trying to forget the feeling down there, then, when daddy notices I'm moving a little, he repositions me into a more comfortable position but it makes my bowels loss the battle. And when loads of poop are entering on my diaper I feel daddy palming my butt thourgh the diaper, so I start to cry.

Daddy doesn't say nothing, he just continue with his hand on my butt, and rubs my back while talking to ROman.

Once I'm done, silent tears still fall from my eyes, and daddy now gives pats on my butt bothering me, so I try to reposition myself so he can not bother me in that way.

-baby, stop moving that much or I will sit you on the high chair.- daddy says and I stop moving.

10 minutes later, I hear daddy saying bye to ROman and Mariah.

-cmon baby, we will go home and change that dirty diaper.- daddy says:- i notice it and i figured out you didn't want Mariah or Roman to know.- he explains me.

We have a little of a fight when he triest to put me on my adult seat, but he ends up seatting me there making poop spread all over the diaper, and when he buclkes me up, the poop spread even further.

-baby, 10 minutes and we are home and I will change you don't worry.- daddy sais

And it's true, 10 minutes later I'm on my changing table hughing bluey while daddy cleans me and puts a new diaper on me.

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