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When i see that Tayla breaths are lower and she is finally in a deep sleep, i move myself and go get the changing supplies, i grab a new fluffy diaper, some wipes and the changing mat. I go and change Tayla, I told her i wouldn't change her till tomorrow morning, but i don't think I could do it, my poor baby. I undo her onesie and untapp her diaper, clean her butt and gently applied cream and powder all over her. Then i get the diaper and put it under her and do the tabs. I redo the onesie and let her sleep. I throw everything on the bin and then hug her while closing my eyes.

I hug her and smell her soft hair, i just reassure myself that this is the place where my baby has to be, here with me, in my arms.

I wake up because my alarm goes on, i notice my baby moving in my arms, and I open my eyes, and look at my baby, who is sucking happily on her pacifier. I reach my hand to her diaper and notice that is a little bit damp. I get up and go have a shower, while i'm drying myself, I hear my little baby whinning and I go.

-hello my babygirl.- i tell her while hugging her and watching how she tries to open her eyes.-hi daddy.- she tells me while she is still trying to open her eyes.

-how has my baby slept?.- i ask her while putting her on my hip and going to the bathroom to finish my care. I put her on the counter while hugginh her and start brushing my hair and applying my creams.

-daddy, why you put this?.- she asks while I apply some cream on my face .-to look pretty.- i tell her and she laughs and tells me:- why daddy? you no need, you pretty.- she says and she blushes when I kiss her.

-baby, how is your diaper?.- i ask her and she says:- i no poppy, i clean, well, wetty.- she says and I know she refers to the change I gave her last night.-well baby, daddy change his baby because he loves her a lot.- i told her and she blushes another time.

NOw we are having breakfast, she is eatting with her hands a bunch of pancakes while I'm drinking my coffe.-daddy, what we do now?.- she asks me:-well baby, we will go to the club and we will met there your friend Sarah and Stephan and we will spend the day together, it will be a surprise.- i tell her and she smiles when she listens to her friends names.

-lego daddy!.- she says while putting her arms up wanting to be picked up so i grab her and we go to the bahroom to brush our teeths.

-cmon baby, brush your teeth and then we will go get dressed to go see your friend.- i tell her. We brush our teeth and then we go to my baby room, and change her diaper and then dressed her with a cute pink tutu she has chosed and a princess onesie with unicrons and glitter on it.

-okay baby, now I will go to get dressed, you can wait here in your room and play with your toys, or you can come with me and wait on my bed.- i explain her and she just points at me. So after getting two toys, we go to my room and my baby waits for me in my bed.

I wear some jeans and a hoodie and put some cologne. When I go to my room I see my baby throwing her stuffie on the air and giggling.

-cmon baby, let's go see your friend.- I tell her while grabing her. I put her on her car seat and while singing some car songs for her little age appropiate and we get to my club.

I grab her and get her out of her car seat, and we get inside, my baby runs to her friend who is playing with some toys with her daddy, so she goes and runs to hug her friend. And I bing the dog, Musti to the girl who takes care of the dogs.

-Sari, go go go, go see puppies and Musti, and kitties.- she tells her trying to grab her friend to the playroom .

-can I go daddy.- Sarah asks Stephan who allows her. .-Hi Lewis, how is Tay doing?.- he asks me and we go after our little girls:-fine, she is my babygirl now. She is staying at my house, and we are together, I hope we stay like that for a long time.- I tell her, and then Tayla comes runing to me with a big pout.-baby, what happened.- I tell her when she crys on my shoulder:- Musti, musti no here, Musti is another baby doggy.- she says, and I look for the dog she is crying for, and the dog is on the outsider playroom with another pair of littles who are playing with the dogs.-baby, don't cry, look we will go get Musti and give him a treat okay?.- I say while cleaning her face, and she nods. I go pick some treats and then I go to the door, I whistle and the dogs look at me, i show them the treats and they come runing. My baby gets Musti and goes inside smiling as nothing has happened a minute ago when she was crying.

-I see you and her get along very good.- Stephan says when I get to his side:-well, yes for the moment we are very good, let's hope we still like that.- I say watching her play with th dog and Sarah.

We spend the morning with them, I exchange numbers with Stephan with who we plan to watch together the football match of tomorrow. We have get along very good. We have grab McDonalds for lunch and then we have come to my house to see a movie with the girls. We have watched the little mermaid and know Tayla on my arms is waving goodbye to her friend.

Now it's time for dinner, and I see Tayla is tired, she hasn't had her nap and have had a very tiring day, I grab her and go to my room. While leaving her on my bed I go and start the water on the tub, i put some bubble soap and grab a bubble bath .

-cmon baby, I have a freshly bubble bath for you.- I tell her, we get to the bathroom and we get her undressed. I let her throw the bath bomb that falls into the water making the tub turn blue with sparkles. I throw a bunch of toys for her and let her play a bit while I bath her and rub her cute body with the sponge.

-okay baby, it's time to go to bed and get out of the shower, cmon.- i tell her who is playing with little mermaids on the bathtub.- i wanna sleep with mermaid.- she tells me but I replay:-baby, the little mermaid will miss her friends very much if we don't keep them together here, plus the mermaid really needs to be here in the bathtub, in her house.- i try reasoning with her, and I end up winning as she leaves the mermaid there and let's me take her out of the tub.

I put her on the changing table, apply oil all over her body and the proceed with putting a clean diaper under her body and applying rash cream and powder. After all i close the diaper and put her on a fottie elephant pijama.

-look daddy, I bluey!.- she tells me showing me her bue elephant stuffie.-yes babby, you're the most cute baby elephant I have seen in my life!.- i tell her and she tells me:- I dunno, I no see elephants, just Bluey.- she says and I laugh, writing on my mind that Tayla would have fun on a trip to Africa watching animals on a safari like the one I was on 6 years ago.

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