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I get up because daddy is kissing me.

-cmon babygirl, get up, it's late, it's 10:30 AM we should get up, look even Musti wants you to get up.- i feel musty kissing me all through the face.

-ROsie and Ronny have done cinamon rolls for breakfast let's eat them and then we can come change, and I will change your diaper later.- daddy says and I nod.

We go down to the kitchen, where I hug Rosie and Ronny and eat cinamon rolls, that are absolutely amazing. I end up having my face fullof cinamon rolls.

-cmon baby, let's give Musti his breakfast.- daddy says and we put some food for him on his plate. I sit next to him so he doesn't eat alone.

-baby, let's go change you and clean ourselves.- daddy says and me and Musti run upstairs to daddy room.

-i will bath you today okay, in the evening.- daddy tells me and I nod. Daddy puts me on the changing table and takes of my footie sleeping pijama.

-phew baby, you really wet this one.- daddy says and I get red, daddy does this to make me put red. He cleans my bum and vagina and puts another diaper on me, not before putting cream and powder.

-all clean now, let's choose what to wear.- daddy says and we go to my dresser, where I choose some joggers and a onesie as we don't have to get out of the house, because Sarah and Stephan offered themselves to bring my things so they will bring them tomorrow.

We are on the sofa, daddy's looking something on his phone when someone calls him, and then I hear Mariah's voice.

-hi Lewi, can I talk to TayTay?- and before daddy can answer I snatch the phone out of his hand sitting on his lap.

-hi TayTay-

-hi Mariah-

-look, I'm doing a dance party with daddy, do you wanna come to my house? daddy says you can, and you can even bring Musti so he meets my doggys.- she says and I look at daddy

-well Mariah, let me talk to your daddy first.- so Mariah handles her tablet to her daddy.

-hey bro, how are you, hei TayTay- ROman says and I wave

-Mariah here told Tayla to come to your house.- daddy says and ROman chuckles

-yes, we are having what she calls a dance party, and she wanted to call you to see if you wanna come, she even invited Musti so he meets our dogs.- ROman says and I nod looking at daddy.

-okay, we will be there in 20 minutes, do you want me to bring something?.- daddy asks and I cheer

-no don't worry, I have here some burgers and nuggets done-

SO daddy hungh up and we go up to change and go.

-baby, do you have to go?.- daddy asks refering to my poop situation. And I say no with my head.

-baby, you know you can not lie and remmeber what happened last time? You wanna go to MAriah house with a dirty diaper?.- he tells me and I say no and start crying.

-cmon baby, do it now and then we can go all clean to Mariah house.

-i no wanna.- i say crying more, after daddy failed attempts to convince me to go, he desists.

-baby, if you go on Mariah house I will wait to change you, and I will have to change you there huh.- daddy says trying his last atempt.

And all of a sudden, without me wanting a fart comes out of me and I feel a toot coming out. Daddy has his hand on my butt so he is feeling all my poop coming out to the back of my diaper. I silently cry and then daddy puts me on his hip, spreading my poop more when he starts tapping on my diaper.

-see, that wasn't that difficult, but now you will have to wait for me to get changed okay?.- daddy says and I cry more while he touches my butt making me feel uncomofortable.

He changes leaving me on the bed and I try to roll so i don't have to be on my poppy butt but daddy doesn't let me.

5 minutes later he comes out dresssed very beautiful and goes to grab me.

-waw, let's get that stiky baby to change her diaper butt.- daddy says and I pout, when daddy puts me on the changing table i whine not wanting the poop to spread more.

-cmon, legs up!.- daddy takes my joggers off and my onesie.-wow, that diaper it's brown, you really did a big mess back here.- daddy says, he opens the diaper and starts cleaning me. Once he has cleaned me very well, he takes out another diaper and puts it on me, he then goes for another pair of white joggers with a black hoodie, and I noticed we are dressed similar, almost the same.

-okay baby, put on your new bag toys you want to bring to Mariah's house.- daddy says, so I go and pick my baby clothes, diapers and food, and also Bluey and my panda she gave me.

-done.-I say showing daddy all the thing i picked up. So we go and get onto the car, on our way out I ask daddy if we can bing the baby stroller and he ends up saying yes, so he has to take out the baby carrier where my baby is and then put it on the back of the car.

-all done baby, we can go now?- daddy says when he enters the car

-yes, me and MArtin ready!.- i Say

.-MArtin?.- daddy asks and I nod

-yes, MArtin, me and you baby.- I say proud and he chuckles

-well, the day we have a baby, we will choose a better name baby.- he says and I show him my tongue

We go all the way to MAriah house, she lives near me, the car ride was just 10 minutes and 5 of those minuts was the entry of the houses we have to pass to get out. Mariah has long green prats with horses and ponys on it.

-daddy look, a Horsey!.- i say pointing to the horses that run near our car.

-yes baby, MAriah and ROman ride horses, one day maybe you can ride one.- daddy says and I clap excited for the idea of riding a horse.

-look, there's a little horsei!.- I say pointing to a pony who has pink hair.

-yeah, that's Bala, it's MAriah's pony, you can ask her to give him a treat.- daddy says

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