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I feel papa voice and some movement, i try repositioning myself and i feel a chest under me, i'm on daddy's chest sleeping covered with a blankie and with bluey on my arms. I don't now when but i have my paci on my mouth and i feel how daddy gets what granni is giving him, and i think it's a coffe.

-good morning my beautiful babygirl.- daddy says when i move and i just smile with my eyes closed.

-cmon baby, it's tiem to get up, we are having breakfast, and your cousins are starting to get up too.- daddy says rubbing circles on my back.

-where are my beautfiul girls, they have an special breakfast, a frozen breakfast.- i hear granni's voice on the back and i rise my hand.

-tay tay here.- i say and daddy laughs as i still have my eyes closed.

-cmon baby, we are going to see what my mother has done for you for breakfast.- daddy says and gets up, i open my eyes but i'm still on daddys arms as i refuse to get putted down. On the kitchen table there is snowflakes pancakes with sugar on top and there are 4 sippies from frozen with hot chocolate in it.

-goodmorning beautiful.- granni says giivng me a kiss and i just say:-morning granni.-

-hi nuggi, how did you sleep?.- papa asks and i say:- very good papa, you?.- i ask him politely

-my oh my, how polite is that girl of mine, i sleep well baby, as long as my two things are well i'm too.- papa says while hugging me and daddy.

-cmon baby, let's have breakfast, today we will go to the beach and I will have a little meet over there.- daddy explains and we sit to eat breakfast. Lele comes 10 minutes later with her daddy and Charlotte.

-daddy, where Mariah.- i ask daddy as she is the only one who is not here, well she and her daddy.

-they went out somewhere, because Roman need it to do something and meet with someone baby.- daddy explains and I pout.

-no pouting little miss, your friend will return soon.- daddy says when he sees my pout.

-girls, what if we get ready to go to the beach?.- granni says so we all go to get ready for the beach.

-baby, at the beach i will have to go, it will be short, you won't even notice i'm not there.- daddy explains me while he changes me, and I pout and silent tears fall.

-baby don't cry, you will be on the beach, with papa and granni, and Musti will be there too, and Mariah will come to the beach too. But ROman and I have to attend a quick meetting, near the beach to talk with some people.- daddy explains and I cry not wanting him to let me alone.

-i no wanna, i wanna wif daddy.- i say while crying.

-baby, don't cry please, you can't come with daddy, it's an important meeting, with important people, they will not tolerate a little girl there the stuff we will treat is too much for you to be in there, you will be at the beach, swimming and having fun.- daddy tries but i don't stop crying and clinge to him. I just stop hugging him because he has to get a T-Shirt on.

-why are you crying my beautiful princess.- granni says when we come downstairs and my eyes look puffy from all the crying.

-she cried because i told her that i would leave for an hour for a meeting and she wants to come.- daddy explains granni.

-oh baby, don't worry, in that hour daddy's gone we can eat an ice cream, or even better, some sweets and we will have lots and lots of fun.- granni says but i still clinge to daddy.

-here baby, your paci, don't lose it.- daddy says handing me my elephant paci.

-cmon baby, go get Musti.- daddy says trying to let me on the floor but i just start crying again.

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