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Yesterday I spend the day with my daddy after going at his club, we lay at his bed all afternoon while cuddling and watching shows. Today daddy and I have come to his club, to meet Musti, and we spend all morning with him, this afternoon we have gone with Sarah and Stephan to the ice skating place and we all have had a lot of fun. Now my daddy is leaving me at my apartment, because aparently tomorrow he will come pick me up to show me a surprise he has for me.

-bye bye daddy.- I say with a pout, and he hugs me and I start to sob:- no baby no, don't cry, i will come tomorrow morning, now you will go to sleep, and tomorrow when you wake up I will be here to pick you up and show you your surprise and we will have our fifth date.- he says and i nod.

After daddy leaving, I go to my room, change my diaper, put on my koala pijama and get to sleep.

I wake up because i hear daddy's voice and a hand reaches to my diaper.- hello baby girl.- he tells me and I smile while throwing myself at him.- hi daddy.- i say and hug him really really hard.- baby come on get dressed and we will go see your surprise.- he tolds me so i jump out of the bed and let daddy help me change.

-come on, diaper out, he says while changing my diaper and putting a cute dress with some leggings. We go down and have breakfast with Sarah and Stephan and then we jump at his car, I go open the front door, but he grabs me and opens the back door and  I see a car sit, a blue car sit with my name on it.- baby, so you can go well protected and look, there's even a place for your bluey.- he explains me and he sits me there.

20 minutes later we get to his house, he comes to my side and unbucles me, i grab Bluey and we enter his house:- okay baby, now i will carry you and you will have to close your eyes.- i nod and he carries me.

I feel him going on the stairs and then opening a door, i feel him leaving me in the floor and he starts to do a countdown. WHen he gets to 1 I can stop myself and I open my eyes. The little room I saw two days ago is changed now, there is a big blue crib, with a changing table also blue, the walls are blue and have animals on it, and there's a full dresser for me, and the bathroom, the little bathroom where he changed me the other day know has my name on the door.- baby, go look on the crib.- daddy tells me and i run there, and I shout from excitement, Musti is there, with a blue lace.-it's mine?.- i ask daddy and he nods, so i just hug musti and jump on daddy arms.- thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks a lot.- i say while giving lots of kissies.

-baby,now there's a question I have to make you: do you want to be my girlfriend, my little?.- he asks me and I nod and he tells me: words baby:- and i just say:- yes daddy, i wanna be you girlfrie and your little, your my daddy!.- i say as i hug him.

After playing at my new playroom, runing with Musti and having a tour of the full house, we have lunch and I sit on my new high chair that is obviously blue.

-baby, what do you think if you stay here this night?.- he asks me and i just throw myself onto him.

-baby, what do you think about  a nice bubble bath?.- daddy asks me and I just run to the bathroom , daddy helps me undress, takes my dress of and leaves me just in a diaper, i try to cover my tits, but he just smiles and pulls me to be with him, grabs my diaper ass and all of a sudden his lips are on top of mines and his tongue is dominating mine.

-baby, you're my most wanted thing in this life.- he says.

I get my bubbly bath with lots of toys, and lots of bubbles, daddy makes sure i'm very good clenaded and then brings me to my changing table, it's mine, this room is mine! and puts a diaper on me and then puts a blue footie on me.

-baby, you haven't popped in the last two days, have you?.- he asks me and i just try to go grab a toy:- baby, i'm talking to you, and when daddy talks to you we don't look away.- he tells me but i don't wanna talk so i try to reach for my toy:- okay baby, you wanted that:- he grabs me and puts me on a chair on the corner of my room and tells me:- 3 minuts of time out, for not answering daddy and not being polite when I talk to you, when you come out of the out time we will go thourght the rules.- he tells me, and I heard him being on the room.

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