56- Questions (×7 [holy shit]) From rager101

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I have another few questions! One is for the lovely author here~

1. So, OneHellofAGrell, can you possibly write a marriage scene for Moku and Ope? I would absolutely love to see everyone's reactions to that! One sec, I gotta recover from nearly dying of laughter...

2. Now for Mera! Mera, which animes /have/ you watched? I'm a complete otaku! Just in case you don't know Mera, an otaku is an anime fangirl/fanboy. You're not the only one that watches it!

3. Gomu, how many grammar mistakes are in my questions so far? I'm actually kind of interested in knowing how many I've done so far...

4. For Suna and Mero this time! So Mero is bi, but what if Suna was just growing out his hair to look more like a girl for him? Excuse me as I go laugh hysterically at the scene I'm picturing.

5. I'm sorry, that took a legit minute. I swear to god it did. This one's for Hanna. So, if you had to think of Robin as a family member (she doesn't have to be blood-related, she could be adopted) then what family member would you think of her as?

6. This one's for Gasu! If you had to take Artificial anywhere for a date, where would you take her?

7. Which one of you guys would be willing to be my devil after your current master dies? I'm actually ready to beat up a number of people. I won't be disturbed if you eat them. If you do any type of torture on them however, then I will be glad to join you. I'll grab some chemicals so that they can watch their organs dissolve, as I pour chemicals into their body to make them feel 10 time more pain.

1. OneHellofaGrell



The white haired devil stood in front of his soon-to-be wife, happiness swelling inside his chest.

She looked beautiful in her dress, black hair clashing as starkly against white fabric as his white hair did against the black of his suit.

"Do you, Ope, take Moku to be your lawfully wedded wife, in masters and in servitude, 'till eternity do you part?"

Ope nodded at Mero's words and stared lovingly at the female devil before him.

Mero turned to look down at Moku.

"And do you, Moku, take Ope to be your lawfully wedded husband, in masters and in servitude, 'till eternity do you part?"

Ope watched her rosy lips part and say those two precious words he so wished to hear.

"I Scooby-Doobie-Doooo!"

Aaand the moment was gone...


2. Mera

I've watched...
Fairy Tail
Attack On Titan
Black Butler
Ouran High School Host Club
No Game No Life

And a shit ton more!

But right now I'm in the middle of season 1 of Tokyo Ghoul, and it's so fucking amazing!!

3. Gomu

I don't know how many mistakes you've made, but I know it's a lot.
Fleshy scum...

4. Mero

*looks hopefully at Suna*


*kicks Mero in the balls*


*colapses in pain*

5. Hanna

I would think of Robin as a younger sister, probably.
She would make a good devil...

6. Gasu

U-uh, if I had to take the Artificial out on a d-date?
Oh god... How do I choose? How do I choose?!
*has panic attack*


What's a date?

7. Bari

Well, I don't want to be anyone's devil, bit unfortunately that's the only way I can eat humans...
Me, I guess.


So there you have it!
A super long entry for 7 questions!

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