60- Questions (×6) From Rager101

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I get the feeling you're getting tired from me asking questions, but I can't stop now!

1. Mera! Have you ever watched K? It's amazing!

2. Gomu, have you ever somehow given Luffy the idea to tie himself up into a knot he can't get out of? You could wait for one of his crew members to get him off the ship, and then drown him the minute he hits the water.

3. I realized I hadn't asked Magne a question yet, so here it goes! Has Moku ever tried to get you high?

4. This relates to the last question. Moku, have you ever gotten /anyone/ high?

5 & 6. For OneHellofAGrell! Can you possibly write a scene of all the devils getting high by Moku forcing them to? Also, are you getting annoyed by my questions? I'm not trying to purposely annoy you!

1) Mera

I haven't watched K, but OneHellofaGrell and I are reading it together! :D

2) Gomu

I tried it once.
I tied his limbs together with a rope and made him think he had accidentally knotted his 'rubber' limbs up.
This of course was back when he was still a child, so when I tried to drown him Portgas D. Ace managed to rescue him.
Damn human...

3) Magne

*deadpan* Moku's tried to get everyone high before.

4) Moku


5&6) OneHellofaGrell

I'm not getting annoyed with these questions at all!
And for the scene you wanted...


The devils all sighed ass they sat in the bar.

It was boring.

Almost every single one of them was there without their masters, but for some reason they were all just bored.

No one did anything except drink and maybe nibble on a little food that had by now already gone cold.

Suna didn't complain, Mera didn't curse, the Artificial didn't scream. Mero wasn't even flirting with anyone.

They were all just... bored.

Suddenly the doors to the bar slammed open and smoke began to fill the room.

"Hashtag the party don't start 'till I walk in." Moku stated, walking- no, strutting into the bar.

The black haired devil had a pair of speakers with her that blasted loud music and with a snap of her fingers the dim lights in the bar began to flash and change all different colors.

Ope almost choked on his drink at the display, as did Gasu and Hanna.

By now, Moku's smoke had nearly filled the entire bar, creating a hazy atmosphere that reflected in the minds of the devils.

In almost no time at all, the dull bar was transformed into a kick ass club with nearly all the devils dancing and eating as much as they could.

"I AM THE RAVE QUEEN!" Moku shouted like an idiot while she and Ope danced together. The normally sadistic white haired devil snorted at his best friend's antics and let out a laugh.

Across the dance floor, Suna downed a beer and sat with a stupid grin on his face as Hanna braided his long blonde hair and Mero continuously tried dancing with him.

At the bar, Dino, Bari, and Mera were all locked in a heated eating competition while Feni, Gura, and Yami all tested to see who could hold their liquor the longest.

Magne, by now, had passed out on a couch after eating two bags of chips, and Gasu was akwardly talking to the Artificial; who decided she liked Moku's smoke since it quieted down all the voices in her head.

Gomu and Bara just watched everyone make a fool of themselves for a while before Bara too passed out.

The highlight of the party, though, was when Ito walked in and every concious devil helped tie her up and hang her by one foot from the ceiling to use her as a disco ball.



Yup, those were good times...
*breaths in smoke*

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