1- Gomu

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I sighed as that idiot, Luffy, began to stuff his face for the third time that day with at least five pounds of meat.

I floated on the opposite side of the table next to Nico Robin's devil, Hana, and threw pieces of meat and other foods into his mouth as his arms waved around wildly, never actually grabbing anything.

He stopped eating for a moment and I sighed yet again.

Hanna, much like her human, just kept her arms crossed and chuckled lightly at me.

"One of the most intelligent Devils I know and that human child was the one to make a contract with you." She laughed. "I pity you, Gomu."

Groaning, I ruffled my black hair- a trait I had decided to copy off of my master- and watched as Yomi tried desperately to keep that 80 year old bag of bones together while the soul laughed at something some other human said.

"Its so easy for him to just fall right off the edge of the ship!" I exclaimed to the devil next to me. "And he does it all the time too! It's that damn Zoro! He keeps rescuing the idiot!"

Hanna shrugged. "Well, at least Robin isn't too bad. I learned to live with her at least. Just be glad you're not Hito. Being named after humans and forced to live inside of a reindeer? Poor guy. I would feel bad if it wasn't so damn funny!"

But I wasn't listening to her anymore.

"213." I grumbled, glaring at the idiot as he fell asleep at the table.

"I've been inches away from ending him 213 times since he first ate my fruit...!"

Hanna blew out a puff of air. "Geez, thats one clumsy kid."

"How is someone always there to catch him?!" I was honestly so furious at the human that I couldn't find the words to express my hatred for him and every human on his crew.

Soon enough, it was time for the Straw Hat crew to get some shut eye.

Hanna and the others were lucky. Their masters actually slept peacefully at night, while mine's always flopping his arms around. I had to stay awake.

I watched him as he slept, like always.
He seems pretty peaceful tonight... Perhaps just a few minutes of sleep will be fine...

I had barely finished the thought when blackness came over me.

Waking up to a shouting master and somebody shaking my shoulders is never fun.

"Gomu! Wake up dammit!" Hanna's voice called, followed by a slap to my face.

"Eh? I'm up! I'm up!" I exclaimed, pushing her hands away from my shirt. "What's wrong?"

"Your master is awake and everyone is freaking out!"

My eyes widened as much as hers and we flew out of the mens' quarters and onto the sun bathed deck.

How long was I asleep?!

"Gomu-Gomu no Pistol!" My master shouted, throwing his arm forward. I wasn't by his side to create the illusion, so everyone saw just a normal punch.

"What's going on?!" Luffy shouted, looking around at the rest of his crew. "My Devil Fruit hasn't worked for an hour! Look!"

He pulled on the side of his cheek and it stretched like a normal person's. "I'M NOT MADE OF RUBBER ANYMORE!!"

At that instant and wove an illusion, making him and every other human believe the skin of his cheek suddenly elongated further.

"Wait, it's back?!" He screamed, then tried all of his usual moves as I wove the illusions.


I stopped paying attention to the humans at this point and continued to support and weave illusions for the idiot as just turned to look at a glaring Hanna. Even Yomi took his head out of the skeleton for a moment to glare at me.

"That was dangerous." Hanna growled, but I waved her off.

Other than the incident, I felt refreshed. I felt like a new devil.

It had been twelve years since my last good night's sleep.

I stared down at Luffy again and smiled slightly.

If that's what a short break feels like, then oh, I can hardly wait until you die!

{Gomu: Gomu-Gomu no Mi (Gum-Gum Fruit)
Hanna: Hanna-Hanna no Mi (Flower-Flower Fruit)
Yomi: Yomi-Yomi no Mi (Revive-Revive Fruit)
Hito: Hito-Hito no Mi (Human-Human Fruit)}

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