58- Question From mnnguyen

569 33 4

Hey, Grell (do you mind me calling you that? Your name is long)! If you could possess a devil (as in what power do you want/ which devil fruit would you eat) which one would you want?


I'm fine with being called Grell!
I will also answer to Author and Bianca.

Well, let's see! I've thought about this a lot before and for the power that I'd want...

I'd have to say...

All Devils

*start placing bets*


Hanna's power! :)

All Devils



Yes! Haha!
*rakes in her winnings*


Well, it makes sense to me, but maybe that's just because at the moment I'm still a student, so making eyes pop up wherever I want and being able to sprout arms and legs on walls and crap is pretty cool.

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