105- Horo

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"Cute is a state of mind, my young pupils. If you belive it, you can achieve it. Now, all together, take a deep breath and say; Ohhhhhhhmmmmmm."

The humandrills looked at me, then each other, then copied my cross-legged pose with their hands on their knees and made some monkey-like hums.

"Ohhhhhhhmmmmmm." I hummed, my mismatched eyes closed. My ears twitched as I heard a humandrill begin to grow restless and I frowned.

"Don't interrupt my class." I snarled, sending a hollow straight through its body.

I opened my eyes in time to see the large gorilla creature collapse into a pile of depression.

The rest of the humandrills looked to their colleague in fear and straightened their postures, humming even louder than before.

I smirked and closed my eyes again. "Ohhhhh-"

"Oi, devil." A deep, emotionless voice called from behind me, cutting into my meditation.

Clearing my voice, I made sure to let it flow to the human plain before humming. "Hm? Oh, Hawkeye! So nice of you to join us!" I grinned sarcastically, my eyes still closed as I faced the humandrills. "Have you come to learn the ways of cuteness as well?"

I could feel the Shichibukai's hawk-eyed glare in my general direction. "I saw you once briefly when you first arrived. You are not cute."

I scowled at that and opened my eyes, floating up to face the 'World's Greatest Swordsman'.

I allowed myself to be visible, showing off the Frankenstein patchwork of skin that covered my body.

The humandrills cowered around me, at the angry, depressed aura that radiated off my form menacingly. Even Hawkeye's eyes widened for an instant.

"What have you come here to do?" I hissed to the human. "Insult me?! You have balls, Dracule Mihawk, I'll give you that, but don't you DARE even think you could beat a devil!"

Dracule Mihawk stood his ground, his own glare never faltering.

"I did not come here to fight, devil." He explained, one hand poised to grab his sword if necessary. "I only wished to inform you of a new arrival."

I scoffed, my form flickering back into oblivion. "Oh? And who is this arrival?"

"Roronoa Zoro. He will be staying here with the Ghost Girl. I only came to inform you of this out of respect, devil. Do not test my patience."

I turned my nose up in distaste at his answer, my body once more invisible to human eyes. "Fine, human. I will forgive you just this once. But if you dare insult me again, I will not hesitate to strike. You. Down."

The Shichibukai's hand fell away from his sword. "Then we are in agreement."

I crossed my arms and vanished with a huff, reappearing at my master's side.

Perona was asleep, her bubblegum-pink hair fanning around her head.

I stared down at my disgustingly cute master and groaned, running a patchwork hand through my short, colorless hair.

"Why did it have to be you?"

{Horo: Horo-Horo No Mi (Hollow-Hollow Fruit)}

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