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Yn pov :

"PARIS? AM I EVEN dreaming?" Tears formed in my eyes after i go through the mail. I really couldn't believe anything because everything is happening so fast. It didn't even been one month i graduated, here I'm, going to work with a big crew.

The ending of the mail got all my attention.

'You are expected to be at Jihyo entertainments tomorrow by sharp 11.p.m for the grand meeting. Movie title and promotions will be discussed in the meet. further details will be announced at the work place. Thank you'

Meeting with the legends. I have dreamed of working with these people one day. But i didn't expect I'll work this soon. Ah i should select my outfit. If Hwasa is here she will be helpful in choosing my fit. I miss her.

I have moved out from hostel after my graduation. It was the most difficult part of my life. Even Hwasa the 'stone' cried that day hugging me tight. I encouraged her to say her feelings to prof Joon. But she couldn't say him anything. She again cried for being a coward.

I chose a black turtle neck with matching coat and pants. I decided to leave my hair wavy and i know i would nail it. Soon i drifted to my sleep thinking about my big day tomorrow. I hope everything go well.


This day can't get any worse.

I'm stuck in the traffic while going to the meeting. At first my car didn't start as i kept on trying and thank god it started after 10 minutes of war. And now I'm stuck here. It is almost 10.45 p.m right now and it will take atleast 10 minutes to reach Jihyo entertainments. And i have to add this traffic timings too. I think I'm gonna be late.

Finally i can see a ray of way so i rushed banging my horn trying to reach on time.

When i entered the big building i saw a beautiful receptionist who was chewing a gum as i see in movies. She looked at me from top to bottom and asked who i was.

"Uhm I'm yn, i was asked to attend a meeting with Director Jihyo. Can i know the way please"

She once again looked from top to bottom as if she is judging. I internally rolled my eyes. I know I'm beautiful and I'm confident enough to stand straight in front of her judgy eyes.

"One min please" and with that she called someone.

"You can go in now. Take right and you will see a lift and go to 12th floor. You will reach a conference hall with brown door" woah she explained it so well. That's why she is here. I said a small thank you and bowed to her. I started moving as if she said to me. I saw the time on my hand watch and it's
11.02 p.m. I sighed atleast I'm on time.

The door. The brown door. I can see it. As soon as i entered the room it screamed alone. No one was there and i sighed sat on one of the chair. A huge relief that i came before everyone.

"You are three minutes late" I immediately jerked on my seat hearing a sweet but demanding voice. That's when the main big chair which was placed in the center of hall turned my side. Only to reveal the great and elegant Jihyo.

"G-good morning mam..I'm i- uh sorry mam.. it's.." seriously? for three minutes she is questioning me? Atleast I'm first than all.

"That's alright. So you are yn. Not bad. No wonder Jin desperately wants you to act with him" Jin desperately wants me to act with him? For what? Is he planning to take revenge on me for locking him at the gym? Oh god.

The door opened loud disturbing the awkward silence between me and Jihyo. And i saw the greek god once again. Jin. Oh man. He is such a piece of art in real life. Why I'm blind to miss his visuals these days? I guess i was so into Taehyung to not notice him.

"Hey hi Jin" Jihyo immediately got up from her big seat and rushed to hug him. He hugged her back but his eyes were on me making my stomach stir. I still stood there awkwardly.

"Come come sit" She asked him to sit beside her big chair. Jin sat down and he turned towards my side. He pulled the chair beside him asking me to sit with his eyes. I felt like crying atleast he consider me I'm still here in this room. I gave a glance to Jihyo and said a small thanks with bow and sat a chair one after Jin's chair.

"Sit here" he said showing the chair beside him. His voice was so low and I widened my eyes for him asking me to sit beside him. Jihyo was staring between us two and I awkwardly got up and sat beside him. He gave me a last look and turned to Jihyo as they spoke few words.

Soon Hoseok, Jimin and others came to the hall. Hoseok still remembered me and was really sweet and polite with me. He introduced me to Jimin and Jimin said that Tae said about me. Ah my goodness.. Hoseok kept on praising me to the people in the hall. But i noticed Jihyo was not acknowledging the praisings and had a neutral expression on her face. But Jin. Oh man. He was staring at my soul. I was so nervous beside him.

"Alright people I'm really happy to have a star filled pack around me" Jihyo said making the whole crew to be silent and focus on her. But as soon as she said that line, she gave me a look. I know what that look mean. That 'you are the odd one out' look.

"And as you guys know this shooting will be held at Paris and it would take atleast 7 months to complete. Shooting will be over within 4 months or may be more never less. The other works needs time. The story title will be 'Roses and Kisses' you guys will be away from Korea for first one month and can get a week of break. Again you are requested to arrange soon. The next brake will be announced later. You guys know the story but here is the gist. Two lovers give up on their love for their dream but realises the dream is nothing without them staying together. I really want this story to be a super duper hit. I hope you guys co-operate with me thank you"

Jihyo finished her speach so elegantly. I really have many things to learn.

"Any thing you wanna say guys?" Jihyo asked to the members.

"If anyone fails i will not think twice before taking them from my film" A dark voice said from the entrance of the conference hall making every one turn around to know who's the owner of that dark low voice. And that's when i saw the very fierce Yoongi, hands on his pocket body leaning towards the door looking at me with his dreadful eyes.

 And that's when i saw the very fierce Yoongi, hands on his pocket body leaning towards the door looking at me with his dreadful eyes

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I gulped. This is gonna be a long and tough path!

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