Take 26

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*Knock knock*

"Come in please..oh Jin come come, take a seat I'll get you some juice okay?"

"Jihyo please I'm not in a mood to do drinks or eat anything.. let's wrap this meeting soon. I feel like my head is going to burst"

"Oh my! Why? What happened..let me call my personal doctor, he is so good in these things-"

"Jihyo please..i don't want any doctor. A sleep would do let's start the meeting"

Jihyo sighed before starting. "Fine. I'm planning another film with you. I have prepared the script and everything. Suga will produce this again. This time we will go with Jisoo as female lead. You guys will be perfect. I'll send the script copy, you read and tell about your decision. We will start the next film as soon as Roses and kisses get's released. Is that okay?

"Jihyo, don't take me wrong but I'm not in the mood to do any films right now. I think i need rest right now and I'm planning of taking a brake at least for few months"

"Jin? Are you aware of what you are saying? You are at the peek of your acting career and a break would destroy your flow"

"No Jihyo please respect my decision i think a rest is what all i need" he massaged his head.

"Fine..then..if you say so.." Jihyo woke up from her seat. She moved towards Jin who is massaging his head with eyes closed. She placed her hands on his wide shoulders which made him to jerk.

"Jihyo what are you doing?"

"Shhh.. let me massage you. Jin you look so tired.." Jihyo said in a low tone and started pressing hard. It did relax Jin but he know this is wrong.

"Jihyo stop it. Thank you for your concern but I'll take care" he stood up.

Jihyo sighed in disbelief and folded her hands. "Why? Only Yn is allowed to do such things with you Jin?"

Jin was quite taken aback by the sudden mention if his girl's name.

"What is it to do with her? Why are you mentioning her all of a sudden?"

"Don't make me a fool Jin. I know you guys are in a relationship and all.."

Jin was shocked actually. He thought only the close people of him and yn know about their relationship. But Jihyo confronting him is indeed shocking to him.

"Jihyo..i- okay..so since you know about our relationship i think you don't need to try anymore okay?" Jin tried to move.

"Don't you dare to walk on me Jin" Jihyo shouted suddenly. Jin widened his eyes and looked back at Jihyo.

"Jihyo what? Why are you acting so strange?"

"Am i strange? Am i strange Jin? It's me who loved you like forever.. who's that yn to interfere between us? WHO THE FUCK IS SHE??"

"Jihyo mind your words"

Jihyo scoffed. "How Jin? How did she change you? This soon? What did she do to Change you? I was chasing you forever. And i have waited forever and gave you immense time to make you like me back. But she! She came like yesterday and boom! She is your girlfriend!"


"Jin! I don't care. Atleast you should give me a chance. I know you guys are not in a relationship right now. So You.Should. Give.Me.A.Chance."

"How..how do you know we guys broke up?"

Jihyo stood at her place like a ghost caught her. She widened her eyes and couldn't move at all. She was sternly looking at Jin's eyes with utmost fear.

Jin slowly moved forward towards her.

"I asked you a question Jihyo"

"J-jin..that..You guys are n-not normal a-around eachother nowadays s-so that's why..i assumed y-you guys broke up that's it" Jihyo fake smiled.

"Are you lying Jihyo?"

Jihyo stopped smiling and looked at him. Jin moved further closer.


"....no..NO..why should i lie Jin?"


"What Jin? I.. I'm not lying..-"

"It was you..."


"It was you isn't it?"

Jihyo started sweating. She hooked her hands and looked terrific.

"I-i don't know what are y-you saying J-jin.."

"DON'T LIE" Jin finally lost it and shouted.

"DON'T YOU DARE LIEEE" Jin punched the working table of Jihyo. Jihyo flinched when the glass table broke into pieces and the place become a mess.

"Jin..what the hell are you doing..stop.."

"Why did you do that Jihyo? Why did you release her pictures online?" Jin's eyes were so red and he clenched his hands into fist.

Meanwhile Jihyo's ears become red due to the fear. She sweated more didn't know what to say. Then she sighed.

"Me? Her pictures??..hahaha" she started laughing like a maniac which made Jin confused.

"Yes! Yes i did it! I FUCKIN DID IT! HAPPY NOW???" Jihyo shouted with teary eyes and laughed again.

Jin looked at her as if he is about to fall. He strongly believed Jihyo even though Jungkook and Taehyung doubted on her. But Jin thought Jihyo is a sensible women who would never do such cheap acts. But now seeing her confronting herself makes him spin his head.

"I didn't expect this from you Jihyo" Jin looked at her as if his world has stopped. He at this moment didn't know who to trust anymore.

"Jin..jin.. listen.." Jihyo ran to Jin and cupped his cheeks. Jin didn't avoid because he is not himself. He just stood still looking at her.

"Jin...I love you Jin..I love you baby" Jihyo started crying and hugged Jin.

"Please leave her baby. She is not suitable for you..let this film get released and we will take a long break as you wished. We will go to Australia. I have a estate there. We will live peacefully baby.. okay? She cupped his cheeks again.

Jin sighed and slowly removed her hands. He started moving towards the door.

"Jin where are you going.. Jin.. JIN..."

"HEYYY" He pointed his index finger on her which made Jihyo to flinch. She looked like a dead meat.


"What do you think eh? What did you think of yourself? Love should not be forced Jihyo. It should be mutual. It should be personal. What did you do? You proposed me infront of such high class peoples and i was forced to make a decision in front of everyone. But my yn.." He smiled remembering her.

"She is just a beautiful soul who just care for me and her surroundings. You know why we broke up? Because she wanted me to save me from this mess. She thought my life would be spoiled because of the bad name on her right now. But what did you do? You behaved cheap. She still has a huge respect on you. She is coming out of her home even though she is on depression just because you called her. If she know the reason behind everything is you then she would be heart broken Jihyo! How cheap you are!" Jin scoffed.

"You know what. Let's end this. I don't want this film to get released"

Jihyo widened her eyes.

"No Jin..listen. Okay okay sorry.. I'm so sorry.. I'll ask sorry to h-her too.. don't end this film Jin don't end us. I can't live without seeing you Jin please" she begged.

"You thought a sorry would fix everything Jihyo? What i said is said I'm ending this. And you will face the consequences..Good bye"

With that Jin went out even though Jihyo is shouting like a thunder. She begged and begged but all went in vain. She felt her end is near. She knew everything is going down fall with her small mistake.

The mistake she made with Yn.

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