Ships and Guns

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"Go, go! I will distract them!" Neteyam yells as we all swim down underwater, explosions under the water happening around us every second...

We all find a hiding spot within the sea weed, watching as the ships go by us. All of us not making a sound, concentrating on the commotion happening above the surface.

The ships release more weapons that can travel underwater. The weapons looked a lot like massive spiders that carried skypeople inside of them.

We see these weapons start swimming towards us at a fast pace, we all take off on our ilus as fast as we can to get away from the ships.

Diving through seaweed and villages of massive plants and coral. All of it was almost like a maze but underwater. We would look back behind us every few seconds to see how close the weapons were. They were catching up to us at a fast rate.

I caught up to Lo'ak and his ilu which we're leading the way, he grabs my free hand as we keep riding our ilus away from the danger. I could feel his hand squeeze mine everytime he got scared or worried.

There was a weapon right on our tails, it was getting closer and closer by the minute. I look back and see that Kiri and Tuk are having trouble holding onto eachother. All of a sudden, Kiri and Tuk Release their grip, causing Tuk to get left behind and thrown into the weapon as she tumbled backwards.

I look at Lo'ak to see that he also witnessed the incident. I Look at him, almost talking to each other without using words. I wanted to go back and get her, but by the look on his face I could tell that he thinks it's too risky and that she will be okay. He squeezes my hand and rubs his thumb back and forth along the top of my hand.

Out of now where the weapon shoots my ilu, attaching a balloon to her. Causing my ilu to float up to the surface. Before I even get the chance to swim out of the way, Loak pulls me onto his ilu with him, his arm holding the back of my thigh to keep me stable. I blushes as I felt his hand move there as we continued to soar through the water.

When we get to a patch of tall plants, we ditch the ilu to swim on its own as Lo'ak and I swim toward the plants. This causing the weapon to lose sight of us.

We find Tuk in a tube shaped plant that was perfect for hiding. She was all alone since she had escaped the weapon after she fell off her ilu. I look under the water to see the weapon, which had clearly spotted us.

"It is coming!" I yell, looking at Lo'ak with water pouring down my face.

"We've gotta go!" He replies, sucking in a big breath of air to head back down underwater.

I hold onto Tuks hand, guiding her out of the hiding spot. I give her a little push so she can gain more speed than Lo'ak and I.

I turn my head to see another weapon coming our way from the right. Now we have 2 weapons on our tails! I push Lo'ak frantically to swim him over the other way.

Thinking we could swim away fast enough, I feel a net wrap around our bodies. Almost like a wall wrapping around us.

Lo'ak managed to get out of the net before it was too late. But Tuk and I still struggled, kicking and punching the walls of the net.

We were lifted above the surface by Avatars riding skimwings. As Lo'ak is hanging on to the side of the net, he tugs and pulls on the ropes trying to let us free.

"Hurry! Hurry!" Tuk and I yell as Lo'ak pulls out a sharp dagger and tries to cut the ropes of the net.

When suddenly they drop us off onto the ship floor. Tuk and I still stuck in the net as Lo'ak has his dagger out, willing to fight the Avatars for our safety.

He growls and swings at the tall Avatar in anger, only to be thrown in the ground by the soldiers.

Tuk and I get out way out of the net, hoping that we can make a run for it. "Get down on the ground!" A soldier grabs my arms and puts them behind my back, throwing me down to the ground, hurting my legs. As another soldier does the same to Tuk who is flailing her arms and legs around.

Suddenly I see a human boy running in, "Stop! Stop don't hurt them!" He yells as even more soldiers try to hold him back.

"Get back to the bridge." An old looking Avatar tells the human boy, making him leave the scene. The Avatar was mean looking, he had to be at least over 50.

"Yeah, I remember you." The Avatar says to Lo'ak. Lo'ak growls in defense, his ears flattening against his head. "Cuff them to the rail, all of them!" The old Avatar orders.

The soldiers drag us over to the railing of the ship. We scream and hiss at them as the soldier kicks the back of my knee, throwing me to the ground again.

The soldiers cuff us to the railing, not letting us move our arms. "Be brave." Lo'ak tells Tuk as she panics.

We see the people from the Metkayina clan flying in on their skimwings to come get us. "Dad!" Tuk yells with a smile on her face. Lo'ak and I look at eachother in joy of the chance to be freed.

All of a sudden, they stop and lower their skimwings into the water, leaving only themselves above the surface.

The old Avatar rips the mic off of Lo'ak and connects it to his ear. "Jake, tell your friends to stand down. You want your kids back? You come out alone..."

"You know better than to test my result." The Avatar says, raising his gun in the air, pointing it to Lo'aks head.

"Lo'ak! No, don't do this!" I scream, shaking my hands in my hand cuffs frantically.

"I put you under my wing Jake. You betrayed killed your own good men, good women." He goes on to threaten Jake through the mic.

"I will not hesitate to execute your kid..." he says as he pushes the gun harder into Lo'aks head.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora