Tsireyas Date

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Over the past few days, everything was going perfect. Lo'ak and I were together, and although our families had some grudges against each other, it was all okay.

But I did take notice to how Tsireya was growing distant from me. We wouldn't talk as often and when we did, she was unnecessarily shut off.

Like she was a different person, or shut the door in my face. Almost like she had "one foot out the door".

I was on the beach sitting around the campfire as I ate my dinner with Tsireya, mother, Aonung, and father.

Father was letting go of me being with Lo'ak, he wasn't taking his anger out on me. But he didn't really treat the Sullys fairly like every other family on the island.

"So children..how your day so far?" Father asked us all, his mouth full of fish.

"Great!" Aonung and I replied, not having much to complain about.

"Sucky.." Tsireya said, not taking her gaze away from the floor.

We all looked at eachother in confusion, not knowing what to say.

Mother sighed, "Anyway...what made your day so great, Y/n and Aonung?" She said, trying to take her focus off of Tsireyas comments.

That's when Tsireya dropped her fish on the ground, standing up and walking away without saying a word.

"What's up with her?" Aonung said to me before taking a bite of fish.

"I have no idea" I said worries as I shrugged to him before standing up to follow her.

"Hey! Tsireya!" I yell to her as she ignores me, still walking.

"This isn't like you! What's wrong?" I ask her as I grab her arm, pulling her towards me.

"Just leave me alone!" She tries to yank away from my grip.

I grunt in frustration and don't let her go of my grasp.

"Why can't you just let me go! Seems like you have already been doing that already!" She says to me, turning to face me.

Her light blue eyes stared into mine. My eyebrows furrowed at her, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you are all that mother and father cares about since you got with Lo'ak!"

I stop and listen to what she has to say.

"You got the glory of falling in love! How come nobody likes me?" She continues to say, I spotted tears starting to form in her eyes.

"People like you Tsireya, and someone will like you! It just takes time..."

She pulls me in for a hug, holding her tight. I felt so guilty for not realizing how she felt.

I was walking along the beach with Tuk and Kiri, Tuk wanted to go expand her seashell collection. I had missed so much time it's her recently.

"Oooo Y/n, look at this one!" Tuk says, running up to Kiri and I with a purple seashell in her hands.

There was a gleam in her eyes as she smiled with glee. "That's beautiful Tuk!" I say as Kiri nods in agreement.

"Y/n?" Kiri says to me as she watches Tuk run along the shore.

I look over at her, standing right beside me. "Yes?"

"Do you want to come to my Marui?"

I smile at her, "Of course!"

We call Tuk over and we start to head over to the Marui.

We walk inside to see Neteyam and Lo'ak arguing as they play "rock paper scissors". I have heard of the game before, Kiri told me once that her father taught the game to them.

Tuk ran over to Neytiri and sat in her lap as they giggled.

Lo'ak looked up at me, "Are you hear for me love?" He asked me with that dumb grin on his face.

Kiri and I looked at each other, laughing as we walked to a different part of the room.
"I haven't heard from Tsireya recently, is she okay?" Kiri asks me as she braids my hair with her soft hands.

I sigh, "Actually, she told me that she hates how she hasn't fallen in love...it's kinda sad to be honest."

Kiri starts to braid my hair slower. "I feel bad, she deserves a good guy."

I nod as there is a moment of silence as she finishes braiding my hair.

I turn around to look at her, and we both make eye contact. A grin slowly spreads across her face.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She asks me.

"Set her up on a date?" I grin back at her and we both cheer with excitement.

We sat there for awhile, suggesting ideas on who she should get with.

"Rotxo?" Kiri suggests with a disgusted look.

"Oh hell no, there is no way on earth that she would like him."

Kiri laughs at my statement.

"Hmmm, what about Neteyam? He's sweet." I say as Kiri and I look over at Neteyam who is still sitting with Lo'ak.

"Maybe, not like there is anyone else she could get with."

We sat there for a second, til Kiri noticed that I had an idea.

"What about Ma'ru? He's the son of a chief, and he is extremely nice." I say to Kiri, thinking about it.

"I support that, that's cute. But should it be Ma'ru..or Neteyam?" Kiri says to me, locking eyes with Neteyam who was completely clueless.

"Guess we have to do some testing."

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