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We walked through the forest, finally reaching the other Na'vi who lived there.

They were all bundled up in groups as we walked towards them.

All of the Na'vi separated their ways for us to pass through. Most of them whispering and pointing to one another.

That's when I remembered, Jake was the former leader of their clan. None of the Na'vi expected his return until now.

Jake was leading us all at the front, and Kiri followed close behind Jake as Tuk was holding onto Neteyams arms.

Loak and I were following behind them all, holding hands. As well as Aonung, Tsireya, Tonowari, and Ronal walking behind Loak and I.

We gained multiple stares and glared of disgust from other Na'vi at our appearances. I had never seen so many forest Na'vi before, and I don't blame them, I doubt they have seen any other Na'vi like us before either.

"Mommy look at her tail!" I hear a little young Na'vi girl say to her mother as she pointed at my tail.

I turned my eyes towards them, not making any signs or looks of offense. She was just a kid. Although Loak on the other hand took it to offense. He glared at the kid in frustration and anger.

Quaritch also had followed us on our journey, tagging along. He would get a few glares from the Na'vi that recognized him, but others didn't mind too much about him.

We eventually came to a stop from walking, the stop was so sudden that I almost fell forward. Loak just barely reaching out to pull me back up to my balance point.

I peeked over through all the Na'vi standing before me and I saw a tall Na'vi male. He had multiple feathers on his clothing for decoration and he also was wearing a headpiece. I assumed that this was the leader of the Omaticaya clan.

"Why does his face look like that.." I hear my stupid brother whisper from beside me.

I turned to him and slapped him on the arm, causing him to look at me offended as if he didn't do anything wrong.

I looked back up to see the man staring at me and Aonung. Then he gestured towards Mother and Father.

"I see you have returned." He says to Jake, his voice was deep and very mighty sounding.

I took in a deep gulp, he was almost scary to look at.

"Yes sir" Jake says back to him, not daring to make eye contact with the man.

The leader Na'vi paces around making gestures with his arms.

"And why is that so?"

Neytiri looks at him, "we had a battle with the skypeople, the village of the Metkayina is destroyed." She says, pointing her hands over to Tonowari, Ronal, Aonung, Tsireya, and I.

We all looked down at our feet except mother and father. Of course, they kept their heads held high, but we still had doubts about the whole moving situation.

Jake stepped forward before the leader could say another word towards us. "Tarsem..the skypeople are dead. We will not bring any danger here. And I am not here to reclaim my position as leader." Jake persuades Tarsem.

I see him take a deep breath and sigh, nodding his head. "You may return."

I was walking with Loak around his clan area while Tsireya and Aonung were with Neteyam.

I still felt very weary about the whole thing, none of the Na'vi seemed to like me at all. Hopefully they could warm up to me just like I will warm up to them.

That's when I heard a lady's voice from behind Loak and I.

"My grand baby, is that you!?" The ladies voice was raspy, I could tell that she was a bit on the older side. No offense to her of course.

Loak and I turned around as I saw Loak run to the lady, giving her a hug.

By the fact that she called Loak her "grand baby" I would assume that the old Na'vi is Loaks grandmother.

I slowly but hesitantly walked over. I was literally meeting my mates grandmother, of course I was nervous. I'm just hoping that she can't tell.

She released from her grandsons tight grasp of a hug and started to walk over to me, a smile shown on her face.

"Hello, I am Mo'at. And who are you?" She asks me. Her voice was very soothing, just like Neytiris.

"I am Y/n" I say to her before Loak cuts in between my words.

"She is my mate, grandmother." Loak finally says. I was hoping that we wouldn't reach that part of the conversation yet.

I didn't know how she would react since I am from the Metkayina. Every Na'vi reacts differently.

I saw Mo'at look me up and down, she was studying my skin, my clothes, my tail, and my arms.

She grew closer to me and took both of my hands in hers.

I could feel Mo'ats thumbs rub against my arms, which her arms were very thin, while mine are not.

"Take care of my son well.." she says. I almost gave out a sigh of relief.

"I promise I will, thankyou." I say to her, trying to be as kind and professional as possible.

"And I expect the same from him." She says, sharply Turing her head towards her frightened grandson.

I let out a chuckle at him.

At least I have warmed up to his own grandmother.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now