Yellow Feathers

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I stepped out of the Marui to be greeted by the face of horror.

There was smoke everywhere in the air, my lung's immediately feeling wilted like a dead flower as I inhaled.

Screams from the villagers could be heard from everywhere around.

All of the docks were lined with fire, almost like the village had turned into the chaos of a forest fire, which we don't get often.

I could see multiple robots and skypeople walking around with guns in hand. You could hear their metal machines clashing and roaring with every single step that they took.

My idiotic mate could be seen running around with his brother, guns in hand as he is rambunctiously shooting the enemy soldiers.

He raised both guns in the air, firing at the sky while screaming out his war cry. It was almost hilarious.

Although there were soldiers spread all throughout the beach. My spirit sister was right, there was a massive ship in the ocean that had multiple canons on board. The canons would go off and explode a part of the beach every minute or so.

I see Aonung run by me in a panic while holding hands with Tsireya, trying to cover her head with his arms. Although, Tsireyas right leg was limping along as they went down the dock.

I ran over to them as fast as I could, "Tsireya was shot in the leg!" Aonung says to me as he holds Tsireya up as best as he could.

I was taken by surprise for a second as I look down at her leg to see a massive gunshot wound with blood leaking out. The blood was flowing down her leg and out onto the dock below her.

"Come on, we need to hide her somewhere!" I hurriedly said to them as I ran up to Tsireya, pulling her arm over my shoulder so she could also lean on me.

Aonung and I took her to a small Marui and laid her down into one of the hammocks.

She hissed and winced in pain as Aonung and I hurriedly searched around the room for pieces of cloth that we could wrap her wound up in.

"Found some!" Aonung yells as he rushes over to our sister with a white piece of cloth in his hand.

I hold her leg up as he wraps it around her leg, making the bandage tight before setting her leg back down.

We decide to leave her there as Aonung and I head back out of the Marui. And Aonung grabs his spear on the way out.

Loak suddenly runs up to me, "I saw that you disappeared, are you okay!?" He asks me, cupping my face in his hands. As he slightly turns my head around and he examines me to make sure that there is no blood anywhere.

"Loak I am alright! I'm not hurt!" I tell him, trying to get him to calm down.

He sighs to himself, "I just don't want to lose you."

I smile, "and you won't ever loose me." I tell him, pushing a singular braid behind his ear which was hanging down infront of his eyes, framing his face.

We were having our moment when I saw a human coming up right behind Loak.

Without even thinking twice, I held up my bow, pulling back the arrow and releasing it. Shooting the wooden arrow right through his head. His body went limp and fell to the sandy beach floor.

I looked up from his body to look at the ship that was still parked out at sea.

That's when I saw him. Quaritch was holding Tuk and Kiri by their hair, pushing them up to the railing.

"Look, there!" I say, pointing to the ship as Loak turns around to see what I was talking about.

We both look at Aonung and nod as we race to the end of the dock, Neteyam quickly following us close behind.

We all grab our saddles and call over our ilus and quickly saddled them up.

After getting onto the ilus, we all dive under the water and headed straight for the ship.

As we rode away from the village, it really did look like a disaster. You could see the land that was covered in burning flames probably from outer space.

We eventually got to the ship and got off of our ilus.

Loak motioned for us to move to the back of the ship quietly.

I got on top of Lo'aks shoulders and jumped up onto the boat. I quickly looked around to make sure that the coast was clear.

I looked over the edge of the boat and grabbed loaks hand to pull him up, quickly pulling Neteyam and Aonung up as well after Loak got onto the boat sucessfully.

We snuck around the boat quietly, trying to avoid as many of the soldiers as we could.

I looked up through one of the glass windows on the boat to see Spider, he was looking down at us. We all looked at one another and glared up at him. He knew what he did, and he knows that we know of his mistake.

Although I hated him, I was grateful that he didn't tell any of the soldiers that he saw us enter the ship. That doesn't mean that I don't hate that boy still though.

We ran around the ship until we saw Kiri and Tuk who were still being held by Quaritch.

There were multiple soldiers surrounding him.

There was no way that I could get a clear shot of Quaritch without shooting one of his guards first.

Neteyam, Aonung, and Loak backed away and watched as I raised up my bow. I pulled one of the arrows out of the pouch and placed it onto the string.

Pulling it back, I took in a deep breath and exhaled as I released the arrow.

The arrow soared through the air until it clashed with a human. Going straight through one of the soldiers heads, knocking them straight down to the ground.

All of the soldiers turned around with their guns raised into the air, ready to fire. Although, Quaritch didn't look all too surprised.

He walked over to the dead soldiers body, he grabbed the arrow and pulled it out of the soldiers head, letting the blood spill out everywhere onto the ship floorboard.

He examined the arrow. "Y/n is that you? I knew Neytiri would give you the bow. I would recognize the yellow feathers anywhere from her collection."

His words took me by surprise as I lowered my bow.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now