Water fight

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We knew that the footprints had to be the footprints of Quaritch.

They were massive feet, definitely from a Na'vi. But no Navi wears human boots that are big enough for big foot to wear.

I pushed Lo'ak off of me, sending him flying back into the sand below him as I run off to mother and father.

I busted into the Marui to see mother, father, Jake, and Neytiri all gathered around eachother.

They must've been having a really important conversation because as I came into the room, they all looked at me with surprise.

"There are footprints in the sand! MASSIVE footprints!" I said while out of breath as I motion my hands towards the shore.

"So what? Some people have really big feet." Tonowari says in confusion as to what I'm getting into.

As Tonowari says that statement, Neytiri looks at Jakes feet and chuckles before looking back up at him. Causing him to playfully push her on the shoulder.

"Well last time I checked, Navi didn't wear skypeople shoes!" I say to them as they look at me with a bit of concern.

Father meets eyes with Ronal as he walks out of the Marui, headed toward the shore.

I follow close behind, not being able to wait for him to see the danger that I had found.

But when I got there, the footprints were gone. And Lo'ak was standing right there where the footprints were, with a guilty look on his face.

Father crosses his arms and turns to look at me with a disappointed look on his face.

"Seriously Y/n? There isn't even anything here! You are taking this way too far." Father says to me in a frustrated tone.

I look at Jake and Neytiri who are eyeing me, not saying a word. I hope that they aren't mad at me.

"But father, they were really there!" I say yelling at him as I don't break eye contact with him.

Father sighs, "How do you think the Sullys feel? They don't want some little girl running around trying to solve the mystery of their lost daughter!" He says to me, almost with fire in his eyes.

His words had never cut so deep into me, he wasn't true. There is no way that Jake and Neytiri would be mad at me.

Lo'ak comes up behind me and places his hand firmly into my shoulder while staring into my fathers eyes.

"She is not a bother to us at all! We are grateful that she cares enough for Tuk to actually try." Lo'ak says to Tonowari, not taking a second of his life to look away from fathers eyes.

I was proud of him but also very thankful, he was standing up for me when I needed him.

Ronal gave a sympathetic look to father and pushed him away from all of us, leading him back to the Marui.

Neytiri comes up to me and holds my hands in hers.

"My son is right, we are grateful for you. And I know that Tuk is grateful for you too."

I Look at her, i could feel the kindness that way fluttering all throughout her face.
Lo'ak had returned from his hunting trip with my father. I could tell that something was very wrong or bothering him.

I walked up to him as he placed his weapon on the rack.

"Lo'ak, is Everything okay?" I ask him curiously, he huffed at my question and stopped what he was doing to look at me.

Multiple braids fell in front of his face, I loved when his hair was down in all of the flowy braids, the way that they perfectly framed his face.

"The hunting trip was awful! Your father didn't even say a word to me all because of what happened earlier with Tuk!" He Said very frustrated and angrily.

I could tell that he was mad, but I don't think he was mad at me.

I sighed and took his hand to lead him into the water.

"You need a break from everything" I say to him as we get knee deep into the ocean water.

"What does that have to do with what we are doi-" he tries to say before he is quickly interrupted by a splash of water to the face.

He stands there with his face drenched in the water. I laugh at him as the ilus circle around us, making a bunch of chirping noises to resemble laughter.

He rolls his eyes with a smirk and splashes me back.

Soon, we broke out into a full on water fight, water flying around everywhere as we chased eachother through the water.

Soon, other people started to join in. Neteyam ran over and full on tackled his brother to the floor.

I watched as the both splashed into the water with a loud SPLAT.

I was enjoying watching the two morons until someone else pushed me into the water.

Kiri. I had fallen and I looked up at her with a betrayed look on my face before I got up to get payback.

We all walked into the Sullys Marui as Jake and Neytiri looked at us who were obviously drenched in water.

"Where have y'all been?" Jake says shockingly.

"More like what have they been doing?" Neytiri days as she laughs.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now