Father like Son

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We returned to the village after the war. Everything looked okay but I think everyone was very shook by what happened.

Everything ended out to be just fine, everyone was safe, we beat the humans. And Lo'ak and I will always be together.
"Father is making us move away again."

"WHAT?!" I say, stunned for a second.

I see him look down at the ground, he wasn't crying or tearing up, but I could tell that he was sad about it too.

"What will I do without you?" I say to him.

He looks back at me, his bright yellow eyes meeting mine. "I promise to come back for you, even though I can't be in touch with you."

I sigh as I don't know what to say back. Would he actually come back for me? And if he would, I doubt my parents would allow it.

I have a small smile creep up on my face as I hug him. I feel his warm body against mine, knowing that this could possibly be the last time I feel him.

I turn my back to him and walk back to my home where I see Ronal and Tonowari chatting with Aonung.

All of their eyes faced towards me and I could tell by the look on my brothers face that he knew something was off.

Aonung wasn't normally the best guy, but sometimes he really meant to be kind. "What's wrong?" He asks me as my eyes start to fill up with tears.

"Y/n?.." He says my name as I don't say anything. That's when it happens, the tears start to flow down my face. I could actually believe that he was leaving.

Mother walks up to me and holds me tight, even though I never told her what was going on between Lo'ak and I.

"They are leaving.." I say, "The Sulky family is leaving!" I tell them as Ronal pulls away from me.

"Sorry that they are leaving us..but if I may ask. Why are you so upset about it?" Father asks me.

Aonung looks up at father, "Probably because that means her little boyfriend is leaving too."

I see Ronal look  at Aonung with surprise on her face. "I knew it was Lo'ak!" She says to me, lightly hitting me upside the head, almost playfully like how I do to Aonung.

"Sheesh, ow!" I say to her.

"Are you stupid??? He's not even from our clan Y/n!" Father says to me, almost flailing his arms up in the air.

"Listen, I like him! And he likes me too! I'm not ready for him to leave!"

Mother and father exchange looks while I see Aonung shrug at me.

Ronal turns back to me, I couldn't read her face. As if I didn't know what she was going to say next.

"Fine, I will accept it. But we could try to persuade them to stay."

"Really?!" I say, shaking my mothers hands.

She nods in agreement as I hear a knock from outside the Marui.

"Sorry for intruding but, we were about to leave." Jake says as he peaks inside the Marui.

I See Tonowari walking up to Jake, "Jake, you don't have to leave. You are free to stay here as one of us." He says.

The look on Jakes face was priceless. "Really? Thankyou so much sir" he says back to my father, gladly shaking his hand.

Jake hurries off to go tell his family, a few seconds later I hear screams of happiness from their Marui.

Aonung and I burst out in laughter as Lo'ak comes running into the room.

"I can stay!" He says excitedly. I smile as he runs towards me, pulling me in for a kiss. Although mother and father were watching, I didn't mind. Until I turned around and saw Aonung gagging. I rolled my eyes at my brother and walked out of the tent with Lo'ak.
Him and I would be together forever.
That night, Lo'ak and I rode our ilus out to the spirit tree.  After everything that had happened, it would be nice to get something from Eywa.

We dived under the water and saw the bright, glowing tree. Eywa has always been so beautiful, it never fails to amaze me.

Lo'ak and I nodded to eachother as we pulled out our queues and connected to the tree. I closed my eyes as I saw brightness, like a flash of color.

Then all of the light turned into a perspective of someone. The person was very tiny, and I could tell that the person had a clear mask over their face since my vision was a bit blurry and shifted.

The person broke through the surface of the water to a little island of rocks. I noticed that I was a boy, my skin wasn't blue though. My skin was light, almost tan.

I was a Human?...Spider.
A few seconds later, Spider dragged a Navi onto the rocks. Well, I thought it was a Navi, I studied closer to realize that it was Quaritch, the old Avatar from the war.

I thought he was dead!? Jake killed him! Quaritch gasped for air as he payed on the rock, barely any movement until he got up.

I was furious, the vision ended there and I pulled my queue away from the tree. I looked around to see that Lo'ak was already up at the surface, he must've already finished.

I swam up to the surface, he could tell that something was wrong.

"Is everything okay?" He asks me, his hair drenched in water as his sections of braids fall perfectly over the sides of his face.

"It's Spider...he saved Quaritch!" I say to him.

He looked very surprised. "Spider? No, he wouldn't do that!" He tries to persuade me.

I roll my eyes at him, "Come on Lo'ak! I saw what I saw, Spider saved him and now Quaritch is alive somewhere out there!"

Lo'ak sighs, "like why would Spider even do that?! It's ridiculous! Especially after all that man did to us-" I continued to rant about it until Lo'ak stopped me.

My mouth stopped blabbering as I looked at him. "Quaritch is Spiders father." He tells me.

"That doesn't cut it! Regardless! He had no place to do that! Just wait til I see Spider again!" I say, slamming my hands onto the surface of the ocean water in frustration as the water splashes up.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now