Cat Fight

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Since the war that had happened the other day, Spider has been with the Sully's since then. He plays with the kids and is treated like family, i don't know much about their history with Spider but what I do know is that they care about him.

The same thought had been running through my head all day as I was standing ankles deep in the water while petting my ilu. The vision about Spider, although my visions might not always be true or show every side of things, it was still on my mind. And I was still mad at him for it.

The other day~

"Hey Y/n! Have you seen Lo'ak anywhere?" Spider asks me with a curious look in his eyes.

"Nope, not at all." I did know, he was actually talking with Aonung down the shore. I just felt like being rude to him, always holding that grudge.

"Oh..alright then." I guess he could tell that I was lying.

"Not like you would care about him...murderer saver." I whisper under my breath as he turns around to walk away.

He heard me a little bit and turns his head back to look at me. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch what you just said?" He said, once again with that stupid look on his face.

"Oh, nothing to worry about" I said replied with a clearly fake smile.


I could hear laughter from down the beach, not too far away. It was Lo'ak, Spider, Tuk,  Kiri, and Neteyam.

Neteyam and Lo'ak were pushing eachother around, splashing water on one another. I'm not surprised, brothers will always be brothers.

I let out a small chuckle and rub my ilu on the top of their head.

"Y/n!" I look up to see Tuk running down the beach shore line to me. I smile at her excitement to see me. Little Tuk hands me a crown that is made out of seaweed and flowers. I gently take the crown from her tiny hands and examine it. "Aw thankyou Tuk! It's beautiful!"

All of the others catch up to Tuk. "Put it on!" She begs me, almost hopping up and down while clapping her hands.

I place the crown on top of my head with a smile, the crown is very light and delicate.

I see her eyes light up as she studies the crown. I was enjoying the moment until someone just had to open their mouth.

"Hey Y/n, we are going for a swim. Do you want to go with us?" The monkey boy asks.

The smile and lightness from my face fades. "No thanks." I say in an almost monotone voice as I break eye contact with him, looking down at my ilu.

I don't even hear a response from him as he walks away, Kiri grabbing Tuks hand to catch up with Spider.

Neteyam and Lo'ak step a bit closer, Lo'ak putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I know that your still thinking about that vision, but you don't have to take the anger out on him." He tells me.

Neteyam buts into the conversation, realizing that he didn't even know what was going on. "What do you mean? What's going on?" He says.

Since the day of the war, Neteyam and I have gotten closer, almost like brother and sister. We try not to talk about what happened, but sometimes it's too hard not to bring it up since that's what brought us loser together.

"I had a vision from Eywa the other day."

"So? Visions from Eywa are normally a good thing!" He says, almost like he is trying to brighten up the mood.

"Ha, not this one. I saw Spider pulling Quaritch out of the water to save him from drowning."

He backs away for a split second, his eyes widening. "No way! He wouldn't do that, although Quaritch is his father."

Lo'ak looks at his brother with a look on his face.

"No! No he wouldn't? Not after what that man did to us?" I look down and shake my head. "..I saw what I saw."

"Guys, it's probably not that big of a deal. Quaritch is gone for good, there is no way that he would come back after we put him in his place." Lo'ak says, looking into his older brothers worried eyes.

I could tell that Neteyam was as mad about it as I was, while Lo'ak didn't care about it at all.

"Did you confront Spider yet?" Neteyam asks me out of curiosity.

"Yet?" Lo'ak says loudly, cutting in between us to stop our conversation.

"Y'all aren't mentioning it to him. What if it didn't even happen?" He continues.

Neteyam and I look at eachother.


Neteyam and I see Spider sitting by himself, playing in the sand.

We storm up to him and Neteyam pulls him up to standing.

"Wh- What are you doing?" He asks us, not knowing what to expect.

"Where did you go while we were searching the ship for Jake?" I ask him, leaning over him slightly.

"I was looking for him like the both of you!" He persuades.

Neteyam and I look at eachother, we don't believe him one bit.

"More like saving Quaritch from drowning!" Neteyam says, getting close to his face. Pointing a finger right in between his eyes.

"I'm sorry okay! I had to!"

"You didn't have to save him! He practically killed Neteyam and kidnapped all of us!" I yell at him, my anger clearly showing.

The human boy rolls his eyes and scoffs at me. "At least I wasn't out with a boy, doing who knows what while people are getting killed!" Spider says, almost having to stand up to his tip toes to get taller.

I had enough. I lunged forward and pulled that musty hair of his. He grabbed my tail and we were trying to get eachother to the ground.

I punched him smack in the nose and pushed him to the sandy floor. I could hear Neteyam snickering at the scene behind me.

I punched him on the side of his face multiple times, leaving a ton of bruises on his face. Even a black eye!

"Woah, woah guys chill!" I hear Neteyam screaming.

Lo'ak runs up to us and pulls me off of the human boy who was laying there on the ground still, trying to sit up.

Lo'aks arms were hung over my shoulders, locking me in.

"Let me at him, I'm not done yet!" I scream, trying to kick Lo'ak off of me.

Neteyam helps Spider up as Lo'ak stills holds me away from him.

"Come on, we have to situate this out." Lo'ak says with an attitude.

Hi luvs! I will still be trying to post everyday but it will be really hard for me to do since school started back today!

And I have practice on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:30-7:30 so I will be getting home around 8:00pm so chapters on those days will be releasing around 8:30 or 9:00pm! I apologize for this and I hope y'all understand the time cramping!

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now