The Bow

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Dinner that day was very awkward. Both families sat with each other, not saying a word to one another.

There was so much tension in the air, like it was suffocating us subconsciously.

Lo'ak, Neteyam, and I were not eating, we all had our plates of fish infront of us. Which were clearly untouched.

Our parents seemed unbothered, not saying anything.

Although I could tell that Ronal noticed the tension floating around, she was contemplating saying something.

Jake put down the fish he took a bite out of. Taking us all by surprise because we were all so zoned out.

"What is up with you all? None of y'all  have said a word." He says as he looks at us.

Neytiri nods in agreement to her husband as they all wait for a response.

Loak, Neteyam, and I look at one another before sighing.

"I went to talk to my spirit sister today." I said, not really making eye contact with any of them.

"Oh, that's great! I thought y'all were growing apart since you never mentioned her anymore." Tonowari says.

Neytiri puts her hand up, almost like she is interrupting. "That is great news, but I don't think anything good came out of it. Go on." She says to me, motioning for me to continue speaking.

Loak nods at me encouragingly to continue. "She told me that the skypeople sent down a huge ship for Quaritch. And Tuk is on it." I say to them, hoping that they would listen.

"They probably have Kiri and Spider on the ship too." Neteyam says rather calmly.

I always appreciated his calm spirit, he wasn't the type to argue very loudly like Loak.

I could see father and mother look at one another. Tsireya recognized the look on their faces and shook her head.

"No. We are not doing this again!" She says as she stands up, looking at mother and father.

Aonung pulls her back to sit down, "Sis, we have to." He says calmly.

I knew that Tsireya didn't want war again. War traumatized us all, losing others and almost losing others.

"We have to prepare." Tonowari says as he finished his meal and stands up with his wife, walking back to their Marui.

Everyone finished their meals and we all walked to put our plates away, it was completely silent.

I woke up the next morning feeling overwhelmed, I didn't know what was coming for the future and it worries me.

I decided to go visit Loak and his family so I walked out of my Marui and headed over to the Sullys.

Before I decided to walk in, I stood outside and peaked inside to see what they were doing.

I could see Neteyam and Loak going through their fathers weapons.

I hated how they even had to consider what weapons they would be using.

Neteyam picked up a gun, the same one that they used during the last war. Loak turned around to see Neteyam holding it.

They didn't say a word, but they both shared their feelings and put the gun away. "Not that one Neteyam, let's find a different one." Loak says.

I could feel a tear go down my cheek as I watched.

I quickly noticed and wiped the tear from my face and started controlling my breathing before asking into the Marui.

The both put down the weapons that they were holding and turned to look at me in surprise.

"What are y'all doing?" I asked, trying to act completely oblivious.

They both looked at each other, not knowing if they wanted to say anything.

"Just looking at our know?" Neteyam says as they both look at the rack of guns behind them.

"Yeah, I know." I say as I scan over the room.

"What are you wanting to use?" Loak asks me anxiously, not knowing if that was an appropriate question to ask at the time.

"I'm actually not sure yet."

I had never thought about it til now, I wasn't sure if I wanted to use one of our spears. Maybe I didn't want to use a weapon at all. Not like I could trust myself with a gun anyways.


Without any second thoughts, I heard a loud crash. The sound shook the whole room causing all of us to almost loose our balance. We all ran over to the entrance of the Marui to look outside and see smoke filling the air. Spreading like a disease.

"It's happening, he's here." Neytiri says as she walks into the Marui, obviously in a slight frantic state.

Neteyam and Loak look at each other, nodding to one another before they make their way out of the Marui with their guns of choice.

Loak cups my face in his hands and plants a kiss of my forehead before he continues to follow Neteyam.

Neytiri walks up to me and places my hands out infront of me. She grabs a bow that I had never seen before and places it in my hands.

The bow was wooden with blue feathers attached to it. The arrows that came with it had a sharp wooden tip with bright yellow feathers at the end.

I wrap the bow around my body and attach the arrow pouch to my bottoms.

The has a slight grin of pride on her face as she looks into my eyes.

I smile at her and nod before we both head out of the Marui.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now