"Always follow your path Y/n"

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Before this chapter starts I want to clarify some things because I don't want to hear "they are minors" or "aren't they 14?!" In the comment section.

Mating is NOT the same as sex, for Navi, mating is when you bond and are then on to be together forever. So please don't go out trying to inform me their age because I already know that. 💗

The next day, I couldn't get Neytiris words out of my head.

Today was the day, the day that I'm supposed to mate with Ma'ru, but I want to mate Lo'ak, not him.

And I will do it regardless of what my parents think.

I just hope that Lo'ak is alright with the idea, that would be embarrassing if he wasn't.

I had spent the whole morning planning it, there was this secluded part of the beach that was beautiful. I haven't visited it recently mostly because of all the events that have happened with the Sullys and I.

Thats when I saw Ma'ru, I waved and ran over to him. Telling him my whole plan.

"That's great! That should work." He says in response to my plan.

I sighed with relief but also with worry and nervousness. He could tell that I was nervous.

"Hey Y/n..you got this. Lo'ak loves you." He tells me to encourage me.

I smile and nod in response, his words replayed in my head. Love...

It was almost time for my parents to gather me and Maru.

Instead of going over to the Marui where we were supposed to meet, I caught up to Lo'ak who was walking along the beach all alone, just studying the water.

He smiles at me as he sees me come up to him.

"Lo'ak...I have an important question." I say to him, my eyes meeting his as he stops walking to face me.

"Of course, go ahead!" He says happily, "wait...Y/n is everything okay?"

Dang it. He knew that something was up.

"So, I'm supposed to mate with Maru tonight. And I was wondering if, we could mate so my parents couldn't make me be with Maru forever?" I say with a nervous smile on my face, my body felt hot and warm.

"But darling, that means that you would be mated with me forever? Are you sure you want to do that?" He asks me, unsure of the situation.

I nod at him as he takes my hand in his. I start dragging him away from that part of the beach to go to the secluded part that I had mentioned earlier.

"Y/n, where are we going?" He asks me, looking around to make sure that nobody is watching.

"Well we have to go somewhere private of course, can't have anyone see us." I tell him, slightly grinning at his stupidity.

He rolls his eyes and laughs.

We reach the part of the beach just as the sun was starting to go down, the sky turning into a orange/pink/red glow.

He looked around, "I have never been over here, how long have you known about this?" He asks me.

"For awhile I guess, too long to remember."


"Yes Lo'ak?" I reply to him, nervous what he was going to ask. Was he going to say no? I couldn't be with Ma'ru.

"Are you sure that you want to do this?" He asks me as he walks closer to me as I look up into his bright yellow eyes which were shining in the sunset glow behind him.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now