A Great Son

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I sat there with Ma'ru, not saying a word as I held the hand of his lifeless body.

You could still hear the tears and cries from Quaritch about 5 feet away as he cries over his dead son.

I knew that what I did was for the best, although the only reason that I killed Spider was because Quaritch killed Ma'ru. I wanted him to pay, which costed him the life of his son.

I looked up from Marus eyes, which were glassy and wide open. Not showing any soul behind them.

Aonung was walking over to Loaks body, lightly patting the side of his face to try to wake him up.

Loaks face was beat up badly, he had multiple bruises spread on his face which were turned into a purple/red shade.

There were multiple scratch marks along his face and his nose was clearly bloody as the dried up blood dripped down onto his top lip.

I watched as Loaks eyes slowly opened. A grunt was shot out of Loaks mouth as he continued to cough as he was out of breath.

Loak looked around at his surroundings before standing up. His eyes were wide with surprise as he realized where he was.

He looked at Neteyam standing over me, his arms crossed as he is looking down, trying his best not to show anything. While I am sitting on the ground beside Marus dead body, holding his hand tightly.

I saw his facial expressions change from shock to sadness as he saw Marus lifeless body. He didn't know Ma'ru that well, but we had grown really close to him over the past couple of days. And besides, Ma'ru saved our lives.

Loak then glanced over to see Quaritch, sitting on his knees, bent over Spiders body. Spider was untouched, the arrow sticking out of his head as you could clearly see the yellow feathers falling off of the arrow onto his body.

Loaks face suddenly turned into anger as he tried to stand up. He wobbled a bit as he made his way to his legs, Aonung helping him stand up.

"Why is he still here?!" Loak says as he angrily points at Quaritch, lunging/limping over a little bit towards the man.

Aonung puts an arm infront of Loak to stop him from doing anything out of hand.

"Well?! We have to kill him! This is what we came here for!" Loak continues to go on as he looks at me.

"Loak...we came here to save your sisters, not to kill him. A lot of lives were already lost today." I say to him, looking into his angered eyes.

He scoffs at me and holds his head in his hands.

Aonung steps infront of Loak, "Y/n, he's right. This can't go on anymore" he says.

We all look at one another as I let go of Marus cold hand and stand up to my feet.

Aonung picks up one of the dead soldiers guns that was lying on the floorboard of the boat and he walks up to Neteyam. Putting the gun in his hands.

Neteyam looks up into Aonungs eyes as the gun is placed into his hands.

"You have every right to kill him, after he killed you." Aonung says to Neteyam before looking over at Quaritch.

There was hesitation in Neteyams eyes.

His fingers wrapped around the gun and he raised it in the air. Aiming the gun exactly where he wanted it to go.

He was holding his own breath as his fingers squeezed. His hands started to shake nervously before he released an exhale of air as he dropped the gun to the floor.

"I can't do it." Neteyam says, looking down at the ground as if he is almost guilty for his weakness.

"You are a soldier, you do what is right." Aonung says to him toughly. Trying to get Neteyam to put an end to this once and for all.

Neteyam shakes his head as I walk over to him, placing a shaky hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"You don't have to do it, a real soldier follows their heart." I say to him, placing a hand onto his chest area above his heart.

Neteyam sighs with relief of hearing my words. "I can't do that to him...he has already been cheated of a son." He says.

I nod in agreement as I catch Aonung mumbling under his breath.

"well if he was dead then he would be with his son forever..." Aonung mumbles sarcastically and sluggish-like.

I slap him on the arm, showing that he should take it back.

He looks down in guiltiness, although his joke was funny..I couldn't admit that right now.

We all stood there in silence for a bit as we heard a voice from behind us.

"Thankyou, for not killing me" Quaritch says, his voice still a bit shaky.

I smiled at him, knowing I didn't mean it. A smile can make a persons day.
Kiris POV:

I watched as Neteyam dropped the gun, I was relieved that nobody else was killed. We had already lost our friends in this battle.

Tuk tucked her head into my side, not looking at the lifeless bodies around her.

I couldn't imagine what the rest of her life would be like, dealing with the cruelties of the world.

I looked at Spider, my brother...

Is it bad that I was already missing him?

His smile, his cheer, his laughter...

I wanted it all back.

I don't blame Y/n for what she did. But things could've gone a different way.

I took in a deep breath as I scooted Tuk over to Neteyam.

I took a few slow steps towards Quaritch, sitting down right beside him but also trying to keep my distance.

I looked into Spiders eyes, his cold, dead eyes. But his eyes were still beautiful.

"He was a great boy." I say, not looking at Quaritch.

He looked at me with his tear filled face.

"He is a great boy...a great son"
Y/n's POV:

I hugged Loak tightly, although he was still hurt. I wanted to hold him and never let go.

The thoughts of how I could've lost him during this battle breaks me.

All the memories were flowing through me.

First meeting him, the Sullys.

First meeting Ma'ru...

Ma'ru will be forever missed within our clan. And nothing will ever change that.

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