Ease dropping

550 11 2

Although everything around me was silent, it was almost like I could hear the screams and cries of the people around me.

The sky was dark, and the light of the spirit tree glowed all throughout the water, casting a shining glow onto the reflection.

The surviving villagers from the war carried torches within their hands. The torches casting bright flames to bring us light.

I stood next to Aonung and Tsireya, the cold water up to my mid thighs.

I could hear Tsireyas sniffles from beside me, her breathing was tense and muffled. Almost like her lungs were completely deflated.

We watched as the Sully family carried Spiders body into the water.

You could see Neytiris head above the water, around neck deep.

She had black paint smeared from her eyes with a white line of paint dropped down her nose. She also had a head cover that draped into the cold water behind her.

Jake was riding his ilu slowly, leading his family in the front.

While Kiri and Tuk were on their own ilu, following close behind their mother.

Spiders body was laying on a big leaf, with multiple beautiful flowers flowing out of it as they pushed his body along in the water.

The slowly lifted his body off of the leaf, I watched as Loak looked into Spiders eyes.

Loak had white paint dropped down his nose as well. I could see sadness within his eyes, filling his facial expression.

Jake and Neytiri took a deep breath before going under the water, lowering Spiders motionless body into the golden glow.

We all lowered our heads as they came back up to the surface, symbolizing that it was done, he was gone within Eywa.

I looked at Tsireya and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tightly as we walked over to the further part of the water.

The Sully family got out of the deep end of the water and stood with the rest of the villagers.

Rotxo, Aonung, Tsireya, and I looked at Marus body laying in his own leaf. We had put purple flowers inside of the leaf. Purple was always such a great color, purple always looked great on him, Tsireya always would tell me.

We all grabbed parts of the leaf, slowly guiding out into the deeper parts of the sea.

Memories flooded and spiraled through my head as we got closer to the spirit tree.

I felt the water reach up to my chin, consuming my whole body.

Tsireya and I looked at one another before lifting the body of Ma'ru off of the leaf.

We both took a deep breath of air at the same time and went under the water, guiding Marus body down to the golden shine of the spirit tree.

We released him, watching him touch the tree. Soon the tree started to wrap its golden spirals around him, consuming him down into the glow.

I missed his smile, everything about him, all of his advice that he had for me. The safety and security that I felt when I was with him, it was all gone.

My vision went black, flashing colors through my brain.

That's when I saw a young Na'vi. He was very short, almost as short as Tuk. His black hair was pulled into a tight bun, multiple seashells scattered throughout his curly hair.

"Mom, mom!" The young boy yelled as he ran over to a younger looking woman than I had seen before when I had actually met his mother.

She was beautiful, her smile gleamed and brightened up the room.

"Yes dear?" She said as she bent down to her sons height.

"Look at this seashell that I found!" He said as he reached out his hands to her to reveal a beautiful, purple, seashell.

She gasped with joy and gently took it out of his hands.

"I want you to have it!" Ma'ru says kindly with excitement.

The mother smiled down at her sweet son and pulled out a black string. She tied the seashell onto the string and created a necklace.

Ma'ru watched as she put the necklace on. "I will always keep this, forever." She said as she cupped her sons face into her hands.

I smiled to myself as I watched their figure slowly fade away.

I came back to my senses and swam back up to the top of the water with Tsireya, heading back to the shore.


"I still can't believe that Ma'ru is gone." Tsireya says.

We were all sitting on a rock in a circle, talking about anything that came to mind.

"He was a great boy, he really did have something special about him." Aonung said calmly, placing a firm hand on Tsireyas shoulder out of comfort and sadness.

I smiled as I made eye contact with Loaks bright eyes.

He slightly tilted his head away from the group, in his own way of asking me to go for a walk with him without using any words.

I nodded and we both stood up.

"Where are you two going?" Rotxo says curiously.

"Oh, we are just going for a walk." Loak says as he makes eye contact with his brother.

I watched the giggling smile spread across Neteyams face out of proudness for his little brother.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled as we both walked away from the group.

"So, did you need to tell me about anything?" I ask him, wondering why he wanted to go away from the group so badly.

He looked down at the ground as we walked along the docks. "Not really, I just didn't want to hear anymore of Tsireyas sob ranting anymore you know?" He says to me.

I agree with him.

We walk by my parents Marui, then that's when I heard voices.

"No! I will not be doing that!" I hear from the Marui.

The Marui was not in good shape, the weaving of the walls were clearly burnt and covered in ashes from the war. That's how most of the village was...destroyed.

I pull Loaks hand back, pressing my back against the Marui.

I tell him to be quiet and not say a word as we continue to listen to their conversation.

"Ronal please listen to me, I think it would be best if we moved somewhere else. Our village is destroyed! It's not even a village anymore." Tonowari says to her, trying to calm his wife down.

She scoffs at him, by the sound of her breathing and by her words, you could tell that she was crying.

"We can't just leave, this is our home! And besides, where else would we go?" She says, her voice cracking throughout the sentence.

I look at Loak with a worried look in my eyes, he shakes his head in denial and looks down at the ground, not saying a word.

"Ronal, my beautiful wife..we have to do this, we have no other choice."

I walk away from the Marui, not wanting to hear anymore of it.

Loak catches up to me as I walk along the shore, I feel his hand grab mine and spin me around to face him.

"How could they do this? This is our home!" I say to him, tears filling my glassy eyes.

Loak doesn't say a word to me, he pulls me into him. He plants a kiss on my forehead and cups my face.

That's when I felt the tears start to stream down my face. He wiped them away with his thumbs and let me bury my head into his chest.

"It will all be okay."

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ