Missing Tuk

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"So, how is it going with Ma'ru?" I asked my sister as I could see the red flush onto her teal skin.

"He's great, even mother and father are proud of me!" She said excitedly.

I tried not to show my frown to her, of course mother and father accepted her. Only because she was with a boy like her, in my case..I'm with Lo'ak. So that automatically makes me a disappointment. But my family has been working things out.

Later that day we were sitting at dinner enjoying the fresh fish from the hunt that Aonung went on that morning.

I was sitting with Lo'ak, Aonung, Tsireya, Ma'ru, and the rest of the sully family.

I was right in between Lo'ak and Neytiri, I have grown a lot more fond of her. I never feel judged when I am near her, and I love her for it.

That's when I spotted my father, Tonowari, walking towards all of us. I saw the smile on Jakes face disappear. Jake and Tonowari weren't that kind to one another.

Tonowari steps up to Lo'ak, "hey, Lo'ak..would you like to go hunting with me sometime?" He says.

I turn to Neytiri with a shocked look on my face, turns out that everyone else had the same reaction.

Lo'ak hesitated for a moment before responding.

"Yes- yes of course!" He says kind of excited to grow closer with my father.

Deep inside it made me feel happy that my father was warming up to Lo'ak and actually is trying to make an attempt at being nicer to him.

My father patted my head with a smile right before he walked away.

Lo'ak turns to me just as I stuff my mouth with the tasty fish.

"Did you see that?! Your father actually wants to go hunting with me! With me!"

I laugh at how excited he was. I was really happy for them both, although a part of me still had that suspicion that my father wouldn't be nice to him on the hunting trip.

"Just don't go outside of the reef" I tell him right after I take a big swallow of my food, I was surprised I didn't choke.

He rolls his eyes playfully, "of course not!"

I Look at him with a straight face, I knew when he was lying to me.

"Alright fine..I won't go outside the reef." He mumbles as he looks down at his plate of fish.

"Oh sorry what was that, couldn't hear you." I say as I lean in closer to him. I had obviously heard him the first time.

"I won't go outside the reef." He says a bit louder and slower.

I laugh it off and give him the rest of my fish, I ended up being really full and noticed that Ma'ru had walked away from the group.

I followed after him, trying to catch up. "Hey Ma'ru!" I say as I slow down right beside him.

He looks at me and smiles. "Y/n, I'm not sure if I want to stay here or if I should take Tsireya back to my own village." He says to me nervously, I knew something was bothering him the second that I saw him walking away from the group.

Sure, it would be horrible to see my sister leave all of us, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.

And as long as my sister and Ma'ru are happy, then I am okay with it. I just know that I will miss her.

"I think you should discuss it with her, see what she wants to do. Especially if you are unsure about it." I tell him, placing a reassuring hand onto his shoulder.

He had a small smile, "but won't you miss Tsireya? Y'all have grown up together like one." He says, looking into my eyes.

I sigh at him, "Ma'ru, it is okay. I want what is best for her and for you."

He nods at me, "yeah, I will discuss it with her later."

"We should probably head back, they might be wondering what we are doing." I say as I turn around to walk back.

We walked in silence as we approached the group.

Lo'ak had grown less suspicious of Ma'ru and I, I still remember how jealous he was at first. But I'm glad that he has outgrown that habit.

We noticed that the group wasn't sitting down, instead they were running around while calling out for something, or someone...

"Tuk! Where are you Tuk!?" I hear Neytiri yell as she is frantically running around.

I run up to Kiri in a rush, "Kiri what happened? Why is everyone calling for Tuk?" I ask her while placing my hands on her shoulders to turn her to face me.

"We lost her! She just, disappeared!" I could see the distraught in her eyes as they started to tear up.

I turn towards Maru, "Tuk is missing..."

Sorry, I know that this one is a short chapter but I hope y'all are enjoying it! I am trying my best to keep the story going!

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