First Arrival

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I woke up the next morning, thinking about Loaks words. Today was the day that we would finally be leaving to go back to Loaks old clan.

I hated to leave my home but I couldn't wait to see what the forest was all about, how beautiful it is.

Loak always described the forest to be absolutely gorgeous. I wanted to find that out for myself.

I heard faint footsteps growing closer to me as I was laying in my hammock, eyes open, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey sis, are you all packed?" I hear Aonungs voice say.

I look over in the corner of my eye to see Aonung and Tsireya watching me.

"Yup, packed everything last night." I said, swinging my legs off of the hammock to sit up straight on the edge of it.

"Well, everyone is outside waiting." Tsireya says, a few cracks in her voice. I could tell that the whole idea of moving was still lingering in her mind.

I nodded and grabbed my bags and headed outside with Aonung and Tsireya.

Tonowari and Ronal had already starched their bags to their ilus, which they were planning to travel on.

I also planned on traveling on my ilu, I could see her swimming around in the closer part of the water.

All of the Sullys had their Ikrans with them, Loak was already sitting on his Ikran. Although he was sound asleep on it. His body bent over, for a second I thought I could see him drooling in his sleep.

I walked over to my ilu and attached all of my belongings to her.

Then it was time to take off.

I watched as I could feel the wind from the ikrans wings flapping as they took off the ground.

Loak was startled awake by the sound of his Ikran lifting into the air to wake him up.
He almost fell off and it took him a bit of time to regain his balance.

I told my ilu to take off at the same time as Tsireya, Aonung, and mother and father. Which she obeyed and took off into the ocean.

The trip was long and unbearable, I was practically dying from boredom. Although Aonung and I would play Rock Paper Scissors occasionally. Neteyam had taught us that game soon after we grew closer to him. We guessed that the game must've been something that his father brought to them from the skypeople.

I would catch myself falling asleep every few moments just to be shaken awake by Tsireya. She kept a watch out for me most of the trip to make sure I wouldn't fall asleep.

I looked up above me to see Loak riding on his Ikran, looking brightly down at me. I smiled up at him to receive a smile back from him.

I noticed an island forming closer in the distance. I could make out green blobs and splotches. But once we got closer I could see mountains of trees.

"Look!" I hear Tsireya yell as she points to the forest ahead of us.

I flash a smile at her as I admire her happiness and joy.

"Woah..." Aonung says as we grow closer to the forest. Our ilus swimming up to the shore.

We got off of our ilus, then that's when I realized for the first time that my ilu couldn't stay here with us. We would be making a new life, starting new. She could t live in these waters, they don't know this environment.

I call my ilu back over to me and cup her head in my palms. I bow down and kiss her forehead. She understood what my actions meant and she took it heartedly.

She made a call out to me before I saw her turn around and dive back into the ocean. Gracefully swimming away.

Loak walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, looking at the view of the forest.

The trees towered over me, the bright flowers and rivers. I could see it all.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum