A call from Eywa

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Neteyams words rang through my ears. The water surrounding him was slowly turning red.

I watched the smile on Lo'aks face disappear, fading away like breathing out a breath of air from your lungs.

"Shit!" Lo'ak finally manages to say as he swim towards Neteyam.

"Keep him up!" I say. We all hold him up so he doesn't have to use much strength to stay afloat.

We place him into the ilu, Spider holding his back to help him get stable. I Look over at Spiders face, his face was as white as a ghost. "Holy shit.." he mumbles as he looks at Neteyams body.

Neteyam groans in pain as we all get onto the ilu and Lo'ak speeds off as fast as he manage. "I got you bro, don't worry" Lo'ak says as his brother is flopped onto his back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders to stay on.

"They have Kiri and Tuk!" I say worriedly as I am swimming next to the ilu, holding on tightly.

"We can't go back." He sighs, knowing how much Tuk loved Y/n inside.

After a few minutes, we see Jake from afar.

"Dad! Dad!" Lo'ak calls as he waves his arms into the air, trying to get his fathers attention.

"Help! It's Neteyam!" Spider calls out to Jake.

"No! No! No!" Jake mutters to himself.

We ride up to the rocks that Jake was on as we all pull Neteyam up the rock.

"He's hurt, hurry please!" Lo'ak screams, I can hear the shakiness in his throat.

"Watch his head!" I yell as I carefully but hurriedly lifted his head above the rocks so he doesn't bump his head.

*cough cough* we hear from Neteyam multiple times as he is dragged out of the water.

We lay him down onto the rocks gently, making sure not to injure him even more.

"It's okay, we gotchu!" Lo'ak says, looking at his brother.

Jake turns Neteyam over onto his side to look at the wound.

Jakes face is frozen, like his brain stopped processing. The bullet had gone all the way through...entering the front of his chest and exiting through his back.

"Apply pressure to the wound!" Jake grabs Lo'aks hands and places them onto the bullet wound. I watch as Lo'aks hands get covered with red blood that seeps from Neteyams body.

"Dad I-" Neteyam pushes out, trying to speak.

I place my hand on Lo'aks shoulder, rubbing his back as we see Neytiri come flying in on her Ikran.

She rushes over to us, light on her feet but fast. "No no no no no..." she mutters as she falls onto her knees, looking at her first born son.

"I want to go home.." The boy says with tears rolling down his face, his heartbeat racing as Neytiri cups her sons face in her palms.

"We will be going home, Neteyam" Jake says calmly as he breathes heavily to his son.

"It's okay, it's okay...we're going home" Jake says, calming down his son.

Neteyams breath slows down.

"Dad, I-"

His eyes turn glassy and his face relaxes, not moving. His body layers completely still. His blood pouring onto the rocks, his hair fell over his shoulders peacefully.

Lo'ak shakes his head in denial, "Neteyam.." Neytiri says, looking him in his glass like eyes.

Jake closes his eyes and rests his head down to his chin. Not looking at his lifeless son that lays before him.

"No!..No no no no!...Neteyam!" His mother screams, scooting closer to her sons body.

I could see the pain come across her face. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were wide.

Neytiri screams in agony as Jake hugs her tightly.

She pushes her husband away and grabs her sons face, hugging him close to her body.

I could feel tears rolling down my face, splattering on the rocks below.

Lo'ak takes his hands away from Neteyams body, his hands were stained with red.

Lo'ak looks up at the sky, silently crying.

I look away from his body, not wanting to see it until I feel arms wrap around me, feeling his head buried into my chest.

I close my eyes and place my hands on Neteyams arm. Hoping, praying, that Eywa would hear me.

Although my eyes were closed, my vision turns white. I couldn't see anything but brightness, but I could feel that someone was there with me.

"Please, please bring him back" I mutter, hoping that someone, or anything could hear me.

I didn't hear anyone, but I could feel someone. It was like a tight embrace around my body. Eywa...

My tears fell onto the boys body and I could feel my arms shaking, almost becoming numb.

My eyes shot open as I felt Neteyam reach over to me and grab my arm, squeezing it. It took me by surprise. His mother held him out infront of her, looking at her son.

"Hi mom..." Neteyam says, hugging her.

Jake lunges forward and hugs his son. "I missed you, son"

Lo'ak still sobbing into my chest, I run my hands over his head as he looks up to meet his eyes with mine. I glance over at his brother. I see a relieved smile come across his face as he pulls me into a hug with him and Neteyam.

I meet eyes with the oldest son, he has a warm smile spread across his face. He mouths the words "thank you".

I could feel my face get warm, he knew that I brought him back?

"Where are your sisters?"

"Your sisters! Where are they!" Jake says to his sons. I could see Neytiri face flush with panic of hearing that her daughters were still with that cruel man.

Lo'ak looks up to meet eyes with his father, guilt written all over his face.

"They are on the ship, they are tied up on the ship" I tell him, guilt also covering my face.

"I See You" Lo'ak x y/nTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang