🧡Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Keyz and his boys arrived at the club forty-five minutes ago. He's been chilling in VIP, trying to play it cool like he's not looking around for Tia. His boys notice but they figure since it's been so long since he has actually shown interest in a chick other than a quick smash, they'd let him rock.


Tia and Tyree have been sitting in the parking lot for the last ten minutes due to Tyree trying to talk her out of a panic attack. "T, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to or you can and just see where that goes. Either way it's time to get out the car."

She nods and takes a deep breath. When he puts it like that it sounds as if she's being ridiculous and she realizes that she is. It's just before the whole situation happened she was peeping him and she thought he was very attractive. When he turned out to be an asshole she gave up on her fantasies of what she wanted him to do to her body. Now? She's seriously trying to justify what happened that night as him just not having a good night and taking it out on her, which does not make the way that he acted okay either. However, I mean she DID fall into his table and spill liquor all over him from his perspective, so she finds herself wondering how understanding she would have been in that moment if the roles were reversed. Maybe she was the villain in his story that night as much as he was in hers. Either way it was like everything about him scared her and intrigued her all at the same time and now she doesn't know which part she wants to lean into more.  She sighs and takes a deep breath as Tyree comes around and opens her door. She slips her hand into his as she steps out of the car gracefully.

The two walk up to the door of the club hand and hand careful not to lose each other in the sea of people lined up and waiting to enter the club. "Hey little bit, how's it going?"  Charles the bouncer greets her. "Hey C, I'm doing pretty well. This one dragged me out tonight so I'm going to try and have a good time." He laughs. "Well that's good, you can use some fun. You work too much."  "That's what I'm saying. Wassup man?" The guys shake hands. "Not much, just keeping these hoodlums in line" he jokes as he gestures to the crowd. "But seriously I'm glad that you were able to convince her to get out and have some fun tonight."  "Me too." "Charles we have a list" Tia says "Okay, what you got for me?" He types the list of names that Tyree gives him into the iPad that he's holding. "Okay, you're good to go unless you want anything else?" Tia looks at Tyree. "Nah, I already called ahead and booked us a section." Charles nods and steps aside to let them in.

Once they step through the door, Tyree makes sure to keep a firm grip on Tia's  hand as they make their way through the crowd and up to VIP

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Once they step through the door, Tyree makes sure to keep a firm grip on Tia's hand as they make their way through the crowd and up to VIP.  Meanwhile, Keyz hunt for Tia was interrupted by Truth who was now doing anything to try and hold his attention.

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