🧡Chapter 28 - Family and Friends

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Jamal arrives at his parent's house exhausted from the day and disappointed that he wasn't able to stop by and visit his fiancée before he left campus

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Jamal arrives at his parent's house exhausted from the day and disappointed that he wasn't able to stop by and visit his fiancée before he left campus. She is a sociology professor so sometimes he likes to pop in just before her class is over and the next one starts so they can lock the door and make out like they'll never see each other again. It never goes any further than that because they both value their jobs, but it's something they do to help them get through their day a little better.

He smiles at the thought of her before walking into the house excited about his steak and shrimp dinner. He walks into the living room where his father is watching TV and visibly falling asleep. He chuckles and walks over to him tapping his chest firmly but gently. James opens his eyes and looks over to his oldest son who is sitting on the armrest of the chair next to him. "Long day Pop?" Jamal asks. "The longest," James replies with a yawn. "Alright then I'll go speak to Ma and let you get your nap in, we'll wake you when dinner is ready." James nods sleepily, closing his eyes.

Jamal gets up and goes into the kitchen. "Hey Ma." He says walking over and kissing her on her cheek. She smiles. "Hi son, did you just get here?" She asks as she peels some shrimp. "Just a few minutes ago, I was speaking to Pop." He says sitting down on one of the bar stools on the other side of the counter.

"Is he still falling asleep in that chair?"

He chuckles. "Yeah, I told him that we'd wake him when dinner is ready."

"I ought to let him sleep through it. He's been running around like crazy with all of this Mayor stuff, I'm not sure that he's getting enough sleep."

"I guess it comes with the job. I mean when have you ever known pop to miss out on sleep or a meal?"

"I know it does but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Where is ugly at?" He asks, looking around for Janelle.

"She's in New Orleans with a client and stop referring to my child as ugly." She says, glaring at him.

"Sorry." He apologizes, knowing that won't be the first or the last time he does that. I mean isn't that what siblings do? They tease each other.

"How was your day?" She asks.

"It was good, busy, but good. I have some things I need to go and work on after I leave here."

She nods in understanding. "I see, and how is Neimia?" She asks, referring to his fiancée. "I haven't seen her in a while." She adds.

"Me either, well at least that's what it seems like." He sighs. "But she's great, she just got back from Africa not too long ago so she's been adjusting to being back for the last two weeks. She's teaching tonight though."

"Well, whenever you both get some free time, bring her by. I would love to see her."

"Okay, I will talk to her about it and see what we can plan."

They talk about random things for a while and then the two of them have dinner since James decided to go up to bed after telling Janice to put his plate away for later.

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