🧡 Chapter 17 - A shit show

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Tia wakes up in a dark room with Julian nowhere in sight. She flips on the lamp on the side of her bed in search of her phone which is also nowhere to be found. She sighs.

"Ju?!" She calls out. No response. "Ju?!" She calls a little bit louder just as he appears in the doorway.

"Yes baby?" He asks sweetly.

"Can you please help me to the bathroom?"

He nods before scooping her up and heading into the bathroom. He flips on the light while he balances her in his arms. She can technically walk on her own but she is still in pain and rushing to the bathroom would only make it worse. Plus, Julian wasn't going to allow her to lift a finger at all if he could help it.

He gets her to the toilet and stands her up. He opens up the lid and watches her pull up the long maxi dress that she is wearing trying not to get distracted by the sexy lingerie set that Taylor came by and helped her put on before she left the hospital. He shakes the thoughts out of his head as he watches her struggle to hold the dress up and get her underwear down.

"Here baby, let me help." He says, pausing to see if she's okay with that before he touches her. She nods shyly. This is the first time that he's seeing her in this way and these circumstances aren't exactly how either of them thought they would go.

He holds her dress with one hand and pulls down her panties with the other. Then he uses his free arm to wrap around her body while he holds the dress up with the other hand. "Okay, I'm going to lift you, just hold on to me." She wraps her arms around his neck and shoulders as he lifts her up onto the toilet. She sighs in relief, taking the dress from his hand and starting to pee. He walks back into the bedroom to give her some privacy.

She does her business and fights through the pain in order to wipe herself. Panting, she sighs and wipes the sweat from her forehead. She calls Julian back in and he helps her stand, get her panties on, over to the sink to wash her hands, and then back into bed.

"You good?" He asks

"Yes, thank you baby." She smiles softly.

He nods and pecks her cheek before laying down next to her and gently pulling her closer to him.

"You're welcome baby."

They lay in silence for a moment before Tia remembers that she couldn't find her phone before.

"Have you seen my phone?"

"Yeah, I took it because it kept ringing and I didn't want it to wake you." He says pulling it from his pocket and handing it to her.

"Who was it and what did they want?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, I didn't look or answer it. I just put it on the table in the other room so it wouldn't wake you up. I would have turned it off, but I didn't want to do that in case your parents called. I figured they might freak out if they called and it went straight to voicemail."

She chuckles. "Well good thinking on that, because if you think Alicia is dramatic you do not want to see Tonia in a crisis or a panic. But you could have picked up the phone Ju, I wouldn't have minded."

"Well I didn't know that, so I was just respecting your privacy."

"And I really appreciate that, but I'm telling you for future reference, I don't mind. I don't have anything to hide in there, at least not from you."

"I didn't think that you did, but I also didn't want to invade your privacy without your permission either."

"Well, the password is your birthday." She says, making him laugh. "What?" She asks curiously as he pulls his phone from his pocket. "I just think that it's funny because the password to my phone is your birthday." He says chuckling. "What?! No it isn't!" He laughs. "I promise it is!" He leans closer so that she can see him typing in the password which is indeed her birthday.

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